RepoBee and GitLab

As of v1.5.0, RepoBee has alpha support for GitLab. Both and self-hosted GitLab are supported, but currently, only a subset of the RepoBee commands actually work with GitLab. GitLab is planned to be fully supported by the end of August 2019.


The roadmap for GitLab support is listed below. For the most up-to-date activity, see the GitLab support Kanban board.

Command Status ETA/Added in
show-config Done N/A (not platform dependent)
setup Done v1.5.0
update Done v1.5.0
clone Done v1.5.0
migrate WIP June 2019
open-issues Not started June 2019
close-issues Not started June 2019
list-issues Not started June 2019
assign-reviews Not started August 2019
purge-review-teams Not started August 2019
check-reviews Not started August 2019
verify-settings Not started August 2019

GitLab terminology

RepoBee uses GitHub terminology, as GitHub is the primary platform. It is however simple to map the terminology between the two platforms as follows:

GitHub GitLab
Organization Group
Team Subgroup
Repository Project
Issue Issue

So, if you read “target organization” in the documentation, that translates directly to “target group” when using GitLab. Although there are a few practical differences, the concepts on both platforms are similar enough that it makes no difference as far as using RepoBee goes. You can read more about differences and similarities in this GitLab blog post.

How to use RepoBee with GitLab

Provide the url to a GitLab instance as an argument to -g|--github-base-url (yes, it’s a bit weird as it says github in the option, but that will be changed in v2.0.0), or put it in the config file as the value for option github_base_url. That’s really the only difference, and of course, that you can only expect setup, clone and update to actually work.


Unlike when using GitHub, the URL provided for a GitLab instance should _not_ be to the actual REST API, but to the landing page of the instance. For example, if you use, then you should provide github_base_url = in the config file (or analogously on the command line).