Source code for repobee.command

"""Primary API for repobee.

This module contains high level functions for administrating repositories, such
as creating student repos from some master repo template. All functions follow
the conventions specified in :ref:`conventions`.

Each public function in this module is to be treated as a self-contained

.. module:: command
    :synopsis: The primary API of repobee containing high level functions for
        administrating GitHub repos in an opinionated fashion.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén

import os
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Generator
from colored import bg, fg, style

import daiquiri

import repobee_plug as plug

from repobee import git
from repobee import util
from repobee import apimeta
from repobee import exception
from repobee import config
from repobee import formatters
from repobee.git import Push

LOGGER = daiquiri.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]def setup_student_repos( master_repo_urls: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team], api: apimeta.API, ) -> None: """Setup student repositories based on master repo templates. Performs three primary tasks: 1. Create the specified teams on the target platform and add the specified members to their teams. If a team already exists, it is left as-is. If a student is already in a team they are assigned to, nothing happens. If no account exists for some specified username, that particular student is ignored, but any associated teams are still created (even if a missing user is the only member of that team). 2. For each master repository, create one student repo per team and add it to the corresponding student team. If a repository already exists, it is skipped. 3. Push files from the master repos to the corresponding student repos. Args: master_repo_urls: URLs to master repos. teams: An iterable of student teams specifying the teams to be setup. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ urls = list(master_repo_urls) # safe copy with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:"cloning into master repos ...") master_repo_paths = _clone_all(urls, cwd=tmpdir) teams = _add_students_to_teams(teams, api) repo_urls = _create_student_repos(urls, teams, api) push_tuples = _create_push_tuples(master_repo_paths, repo_urls)"pushing files to student repos ...") git.push(push_tuples)
def _add_students_to_teams( teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team], api: apimeta.API ) -> List[apimeta.Team]: """Create the specified teams on the target platform, and add the specified members to their teams. If a team already exists, it is not created. If a student is already in his/her team, that student is ignored. Args: teams: Team objects specifying student groups. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. Returns: all teams associated with the students in the students list. """ return api.ensure_teams_and_members(teams) def _create_student_repos( master_repo_urls: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team], api: apimeta.API, ) -> List[str]: """Create student repos. Each team is assigned a single repo per master repo. Repos that already exist are not created, but their urls are returned all the same. Args: master_repo_urls: URLs to master repos. teams: An iterable of student teams specifying the teams to be setup. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. Returns: a list of urls to the repos """"creating student repos ...") repo_infos = _create_repo_infos(master_repo_urls, teams) repo_urls = api.create_repos(repo_infos) return repo_urls def _clone_all(urls: Iterable[str], cwd: str): """Attempts to clone all urls, sequentially. If a repo is already present, it is skipped. If any one clone fails (except for fails because the repo is local), all cloned repos are removed Args: urls: HTTPS urls to git repositories. cwd: Working directory. Use temporary directory for automatic cleanup. Returns: local paths to the cloned repos. """ if len(set(urls)) != len(urls): raise ValueError("master_repo_urls contains duplicates") try: for url in urls:"cloning into {}".format(url)) git.clone_single(url, cwd=cwd) except exception.CloneFailedError: LOGGER.error("error cloning into {}, aborting ...".format(url)) raise paths = [os.path.join(cwd, util.repo_name(url)) for url in urls] assert all(map(util.is_git_repo, paths)), "all repos must be git repos" return paths
[docs]def update_student_repos( master_repo_urls: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team], api: apimeta.API, issue: Optional[apimeta.Issue] = None, ) -> None: """Attempt to update all student repos related to one of the master repos. Args: master_repo_urls: URLs to master repos. Must be in the organization that the api is set up for. teams: An iterable of student teams. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. issue: An optional issue to open in repos to which pushing fails. """ urls = list(master_repo_urls) # safe copy if len(set(urls)) != len(urls): raise ValueError("master_repo_urls contains duplicates") master_repo_names = [util.repo_name(url) for url in urls] repo_urls = api.get_repo_urls(master_repo_names, teams=teams) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:"cloning into master repos ...") master_repo_paths = _clone_all(urls, tmpdir) push_tuples = _create_push_tuples(master_repo_paths, repo_urls)"pushing files to student repos ...") failed_urls = git.push(push_tuples) if failed_urls and issue:"Opening issue in repos to which push failed") _open_issue_by_urls(failed_urls, issue, api)"done!")
def _open_issue_by_urls( repo_urls: Iterable[str], issue: apimeta.Issue, api: apimeta.API ) -> None: """Open issues in the repos designated by the repo_urls. Args: repo_urls: URLs to repos in which to open an issue. issue: An issue to open. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ repo_names = [util.repo_name(url) for url in repo_urls] api.open_issue(issue.title, issue.body, repo_names)
[docs]def list_issues( master_repo_names: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team], api: apimeta.API, state: str = "open", title_regex: str = "", show_body: bool = False, author: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """List all issues in the specified repos. Args: master_repo_names: Names of master repositories. teams: An iterable of student teams. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. state: state of the repo (open or closed). Defaults to 'open'. title_regex: If specified, only issues with titles matching the regex are displayed. Defaults to the empty string (which matches everything). show_body: If True, the body of the issue is displayed along with the default info. author: Only show issues by this author. """ repo_names = util.generate_repo_names(teams, master_repo_names) max_repo_name_length = max(map(len, repo_names)) issues_per_repo = api.get_issues(repo_names, state, title_regex) if author: issues_per_repo = ( (repo_name, (issue for issue in issues if == author)) for repo_name, issues in issues_per_repo ) _log_repo_issues(issues_per_repo, show_body, max_repo_name_length + 6)
def _log_repo_issues( issues_per_repo: Tuple[str, Generator[apimeta.Issue, None, None]], show_body: bool, title_alignment: int, ) -> None: """Log repo issues. Args: issues_per_repo: (repo_name, issue generator) pairs show_body: Include the body of the issue in the output. title_alignment: Where the issue title should start counting from the start of the line. """ even = True for repo_name, issues in issues_per_repo: issues = list(issues) if not issues: LOGGER.warning("{}: No matching issues".format(repo_name)) for issue in issues: color = (bg("grey_30") if even else bg("grey_15")) + fg("white") even = not even # cycle color adjusted_alignment = title_alignment + len( color ) # color takes character space id_ = "{}{}/#{}:".format(color, repo_name, issue.number).ljust( adjusted_alignment ) out = "{}{}{}{}created {!s} by {}".format( id_, issue.title, style.RESET, " ", issue.created_at,, ) if show_body: out += os.linesep * 2 + _limit_line_length(issue.body) def _limit_line_length(s: str, max_line_length: int = 100) -> str: """Return the input string with lines no longer than max_line_length. Args: s: Any string. max_line_length: Maximum allowed line length. Returns: the input string with lines no longer than max_line_length. """ lines = s.split(os.linesep) out = "" for line in lines: cur = 0 while len(line) - cur > max_line_length: # find ws closest to the line length idx = line.rfind(" ", cur, max_line_length + cur) idx = max_line_length + cur if idx <= 0 else idx if line[idx] == " ": out += line[cur:idx] else: out += line[cur : idx + 1] out += os.linesep cur = idx + 1 out += line[cur : cur + max_line_length] + os.linesep return out
[docs]def open_issue( issue: apimeta.Issue, master_repo_names: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team], api: apimeta.API, ) -> None: """Open an issue in student repos. Args: master_repo_names: Names of master repositories. teams: Team objects specifying student groups. issue: An issue to open. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ repo_names = util.generate_repo_names(teams, master_repo_names) api.open_issue(issue.title, issue.body, repo_names)
[docs]def close_issue( title_regex: str, master_repo_names: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team], api: apimeta.API, ) -> None: """Close issues whose titles match the title_regex in student repos. Args: title_regex: A regex to match against issue titles. master_repo_names: Names of master repositories. teams: Team objects specifying student groups. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ repo_names = util.generate_repo_names(teams, master_repo_names) api.close_issue(title_regex, repo_names)
[docs]def clone_repos( master_repo_names: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team], api: apimeta.API, ) -> None: """Clone all student repos related to the provided master repos and student teams. Args: master_repo_names: Names of master repos. teams: An iterable of student teams. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ repo_urls = api.get_repo_urls(master_repo_names, teams=teams)"cloning into student repos ...") git.clone(repo_urls) if ( len(plug.manager.get_plugins()) > 1 ): # something else than the default loaded repo_names = util.generate_repo_names(teams, master_repo_names) _execute_post_clone_hooks(repo_names, api)
def _execute_post_clone_hooks(repo_names: List[str], api: apimeta.API):"executing post clone hooks on repos") local_repos = [name for name in os.listdir() if name in repo_names] results = {} for repo_name in local_repos:"executing post clone hooks on {}".format(repo_name)) res = plug.manager.hook.act_on_cloned_repo( path=os.path.abspath(repo_name), api=api ) results[repo_name] = res"post clone hooks done")
[docs]def migrate_repos(master_repo_urls: Iterable[str], api: apimeta.API) -> None: """Migrate a repository from an arbitrary URL to the target organization. The new repository is added to the master_repos team, which is created if it does not already exist. Args: master_repo_urls: HTTPS URLs to the master repos to migrate. the username that is used in the push. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ master_names = [util.repo_name(url) for url in master_repo_urls] infos = [ apimeta.Repo( name=master_name, description="Master repository {}".format(master_name), private=True, ) for master_name in master_names ] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: _clone_all(master_repo_urls, cwd=tmpdir) repo_urls = api.create_repos(infos) git.push( [ git.Push( local_path=os.path.join(tmpdir,, repo_url=repo_url, branch="master", ) for repo_url, info in zip(repo_urls, infos) ] )"done!")
[docs]def assign_peer_reviews( master_repo_names: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team], num_reviews: int, issue: Optional[apimeta.Issue], api: apimeta.API, ) -> None: """Assign peer reviewers among the students to each student repo. Each student is assigned to review num_reviews repos, and consequently, each repo gets reviewed by num_reviews reviewers. In practice, each student repo has a review team generated (called <student-repo-name>-review), to which num_reviews _other_ students are assigned. The team itself is given pull-access to the student repo, so that reviewers can view code and open issues, but cannot modify the contents of the repo. Args: master_repo_names: Names of master repos. teams: Team objects specifying student groups. num_reviews: Amount of reviews each student should perform (consequently, the amount of reviews of each repo) issue: An issue with review instructions to be opened in the considered repos. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ # currently only supports single student teams # TODO support groups of students assert all(map(lambda g: len(g.members) == 1, teams)) single_students = [t.members[0] for t in teams] for master_name in master_repo_names: allocations = plug.manager.hook.generate_review_allocations( master_repo_name=master_name, students=single_students, num_reviews=num_reviews, review_team_name_function=util.generate_review_team_name, ) api.ensure_teams_and_members(allocations, permission="pull") api.add_repos_to_review_teams( { util.generate_review_team_name(student, master_name): [ util.generate_repo_name(student, master_name) ] for student in single_students }, issue=issue, )
[docs]def purge_review_teams( master_repo_names: Iterable[str], students: Iterable[apimeta.Team], api: apimeta.API, ) -> None: """Delete all review teams associated with the given master repo names and students. Args: master_repo_names: Names of master repos. students: An iterable of student GitHub usernames. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ review_team_names = [ util.generate_review_team_name(student, master_repo_name) for student in students for master_repo_name in master_repo_names ] api.delete_teams(review_team_names)
[docs]def check_peer_review_progress( master_repo_names: Iterable[str], students: Iterable[apimeta.Team], title_regex: str, num_reviews: int, api: apimeta.API, ) -> None: """Check which students have opened peer review issues in their allotted review repos Args: master_repo_names: Names of master repos. students: An iterable of student GitHub usernames. title_regex: A regex to match against issue titles. num_reviews: Amount of reviews each student is expected to have made. api: An implementation of :py:class:`apimeta.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ # TODO support groups assert all(map(lambda g: len(g.members) == 1, students)) single_students = [g.members[0] for g in students] review_team_names = [ util.generate_review_team_name(student, master_name) for student in single_students for master_name in master_repo_names ] reviews = api.get_review_progress( review_team_names, single_students, title_regex ) formatters.format_peer_review_progress_output( reviews, single_students, num_reviews ) )
def _create_repo_infos( urls: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[apimeta.Team] ) -> List[apimeta.Repo]: """Create Repo namedtuples for all combinations of url and team. Args: urls: Master repo urls. teams: Team namedtuples. Returns: A list of Repo namedtuples with all (url, team) combinations. """ repo_infos = [] for url in urls: repo_base_name = util.repo_name(url) repo_infos += [ apimeta.Repo( name=util.generate_repo_name(, repo_base_name), description="{} created for {}".format( repo_base_name, ), private=True,, ) for team in teams ] return repo_infos def _create_push_tuples( master_repo_paths: Iterable[str], repo_urls: Iterable[str] ) -> List[Push]: """Create Push namedtuples for all repo urls in repo_urls that share repo base name with any of the urls in master_urls. Args: master_repo_paths: Local paths to master repos. repo_urls: Urls to student repos. Returns: A list of Push namedtuples for all student repo urls that relate to any of the master repo urls. """ push_tuples = [] for path in master_repo_paths: repo_base_name = os.path.basename(path) push_tuples += [ git.Push(local_path=path, repo_url=repo_url, branch="master") for repo_url in repo_urls if repo_url.endswith(repo_base_name) or repo_url.endswith(repo_base_name + ".git") ] return push_tuples
[docs]def show_config() -> None: """Print the configuration file to the log.""" config.check_config_integrity() "found valid config file at " + str(config.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) ) with encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding() ) as f: config_contents = "".join(f.readlines()) output = ( os.linesep + "BEGIN CONFIG FILE".center(50, "-") + os.linesep + config_contents + "END CONFIG FILE".center(50, "-") )