Source code for _repobee.command.peer

"""Top-level commands for peer reviewing.

This module contains the top-level functions for RepoBee's peer review
functionality. Each public function in this module is to be treated as a
self-contained program.

.. module:: peer
    :synopsis: Top-level commands for peer reviewing.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén
from typing import Iterable, Optional

import repobee_plug as plug

from _repobee import formatters
from _repobee.command.repos import LOGGER

[docs]def assign_peer_reviews( master_repo_names: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[plug.Status], num_reviews: int, issue: Optional[plug.Issue], api: plug.API, ) -> None: """Assign peer reviewers among the students to each student repo. Each student is assigned to review num_reviews repos, and consequently, each repo gets reviewed by num_reviews reviewers. In practice, each student repo has a review team generated (called <student-repo-name>-review), to which num_reviews _other_ students are assigned. The team itself is given pull-access to the student repo, so that reviewers can view code and open issues, but cannot modify the contents of the repo. Args: master_repo_names: Names of master repos. teams: Team objects specifying student groups. num_reviews: Amount of reviews each student should perform (consequently, the amount of reviews of each repo) issue: An issue with review instructions to be opened in the considered repos. api: An implementation of :py:class:`repobee_plug.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ for master_name in master_repo_names: allocations = plug.manager.hook.generate_review_allocations( teams=teams, num_reviews=num_reviews ) # adjust names of review teams review_teams, reviewed_teams = list( zip( *[ ( plug.Team( members=alloc.review_team.members, name=plug.generate_review_team_name( str(alloc.reviewed_team), master_name ), ), alloc.reviewed_team, ) for alloc in allocations ] ) ) api.ensure_teams_and_members( review_teams, permission=plug.TeamPermission.PULL ) api.add_repos_to_review_teams( { [ plug.generate_repo_name(reviewed_team, master_name) ] for review_team, reviewed_team in zip( review_teams, reviewed_teams ) }, issue=issue, )
[docs]def purge_review_teams( master_repo_names: Iterable[str], students: Iterable[plug.Team], api: plug.API, ) -> None: """Delete all review teams associated with the given master repo names and students. Args: master_repo_names: Names of master repos. students: An iterble of student teams. api: An implementation of :py:class:`repobee_plug.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ review_team_names = [ plug.generate_review_team_name(student, master_repo_name) for student in students for master_repo_name in master_repo_names ] api.delete_teams(review_team_names)
[docs]def check_peer_review_progress( master_repo_names: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[plug.Team], title_regex: str, num_reviews: int, api: plug.API, ) -> None: """Check which teams have opened peer review issues in their allotted review repos Args: master_repo_names: Names of master repos. teams: An iterable of student teams. title_regex: A regex to match against issue titles. num_reviews: Amount of reviews each student is expected to have made. api: An implementation of :py:class:`repobee_plug.API` used to interface with the platform (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) instance. """ review_team_names = [ plug.generate_review_team_name(team, master_name) for team in teams for master_name in master_repo_names ] reviews = api.get_review_progress(review_team_names, teams, title_regex) formatters.format_peer_review_progress_output( reviews, teams, num_reviews ) )