Source code for _repobee.ext.github

"""GitHub API module.

This module contains the :py:class:`GitHubAPI` class, which is meant to be the
prime means of interacting with the GitHub API in ``repobee``. The methods of
GitHubAPI are mostly high-level bulk operations.

.. module:: github
    :synopsis: Top level interface for interacting with a GitHub instance
        within _repobee.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén
import re
import pathlib
from typing import List, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Generator, Tuple
from socket import gaierror
import collections
import contextlib

import daiquiri
import github

import repobee_plug as plug

from _repobee import exception

REQUIRED_TOKEN_SCOPES = {"admin:org", "repo"}
ISSUE_GENERATOR = Generator[plug.Issue, None, None]

LOGGER = daiquiri.getLogger(__file__)

    plug.TeamPermission.PUSH: "push",
    plug.TeamPermission.PULL: "pull",
    plug.IssueState.OPEN: "open",
    plug.IssueState.CLOSED: "closed",
    plug.IssueState.ALL: "all",

# classes used internally in this module
_Team = github.Team.Team
_User = github.NamedUser.NamedUser
_Repo = github.Repository.Repository

    title="Peer review",
    body="You have been assigned to peer review this repo.",

def _convert_404_to_not_found_error(msg):
    """Catch a github.GithubException with status 404 and convert to
    exception.NotFoundError with the provided message. If the GithubException
    does not have status 404, instead raise exception.UnexpectedException.
    except github.GithubException as exc:
        if exc.status == 404:
            raise exception.NotFoundError(msg)
        raise exception.UnexpectedException(
            "An unexpected exception occured. {.__name__}: {}".format(
                type(exc), str(exc)

def _try_api_request(ignore_statuses: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None):
    """Context manager for trying API requests.

        ignore_statuses: One or more status codes to ignore (only
        applicable if the exception is a github.GithubException).

    except github.GithubException as e:
        if ignore_statuses and e.status in ignore_statuses:

        if e.status == 404:
            raise exception.NotFoundError(str(e), status=404)
        elif e.status == 401:
            raise exception.BadCredentials(
                "credentials rejected, verify that token has correct access.",
            raise exception.APIError(str(e), status=e.status)
    except gaierror:
        raise exception.ServiceNotFoundError(
            "GitHub service could not be found, check the url"
    except Exception as e:
        raise exception.UnexpectedException(
            "a {} occured unexpectedly: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e))

[docs]class GitHubAPI(plug.API): """A highly specialized GitHub API class for _repobee. The API is affiliated both with an organization, and with the whole GitHub instance. Almost all operations take place on the target organization. """ def __init__(self, base_url: str, token: str, org_name: str, user: str): """Set up the GitHub API object. Args: base_url: The base url to a GitHub REST api (e.g. for GitHub or https://<HOST>/api/v3 for Enterprise). token: A GitHub access token. user: Name of the current user of the API. org_name: Name of the target organization. """ if not user: raise TypeError("argument 'user' must not be empty") if not ( base_url == "" or base_url.endswith("/api/v3") ): raise plug.PlugError( "invalid base url, should either be or " "end with '/api/v3'. See the docs: " "" "getting_started.html#configure-repobee-for-the-target" "-organization-show-config-and-verify-settings" ) self._github = github.Github(login_or_token=token, base_url=base_url) self._org_name = org_name self._base_url = base_url self._token = token self._user = user with _try_api_request(): self._org = self._github.get_organization(self._org_name) def __repr__(self): return "GitHubAPI(base_url={}, token={}, org_name={})".format( self._base_url, self._token, self._org_name ) @property def org(self): return self._org @property def token(self): return self._token def _get_teams_in( self, team_names: Iterable[str] ) -> Generator[github.Team.Team, None, None]: """Get all teams that match any team name in the team_names iterable. Args: team_names: An iterable of team names. Returns: An iterable of Team namedtuples of all teams that matched any of the team names. """ team_names = set(team_names) with _try_api_request(): yield from ( team for team in if in team_names )
[docs] def get_teams(self) -> List[plug.Team]: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.get_teams`.""" return [ plug.Team(, members=[m.login for m in t.get_members()],, implementation=t, ) for t in self._org.get_teams() ]
[docs] def delete_teams(self, team_names: Iterable[str]) -> None: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.delete_teams`.""" deleted = set() # only for logging for team in self._get_teams_in(team_names): team.delete() deleted.add("Deleted team {}".format( # only logging missing = set(team_names) - deleted if missing: LOGGER.warning( "Could not find teams: {}".format(", ".join(missing)) )
def _get_users(self, usernames: Iterable[str]) -> List[_User]: """Get all existing users corresponding to the usernames. Skip users that do not exist. Args: usernames: GitHub usernames. Returns: A list of _User objects. """ existing_users = [] for name in usernames: try: existing_users.append(self._github.get_user(name)) except github.GithubException as exc: if exc.status != 404: raise exception.APIError( "Got unexpected response code from the GitHub API", status=exc.status, ) LOGGER.warning("User {} does not exist".format(name)) return existing_users
[docs] def ensure_teams_and_members( self, teams: Iterable[plug.Team], permission: plug.TeamPermission = plug.TeamPermission.PUSH, ) -> List[plug.Team]: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.ensure_teams_and_members`. """ raw_permission = _TEAM_PERMISSION_MAPPING[permission] member_lists = { team.members for team in teams} raw_teams = self._ensure_teams_exist( [team_name for team_name in member_lists.keys()], permission=raw_permission, ) for team in [team for team in raw_teams if member_lists[]]: self._ensure_members_in_team(team, member_lists[]) return [ plug.Team(, members=member_lists[],, implementation=t, ) for t in raw_teams ]
def _ensure_teams_exist( self, team_names: Iterable[str], permission: str = "push" ) -> List[github.Team.Team]: """Create any teams that do not yet exist. Args: team_names: An iterable of team names. Returns: A list of Team namedtuples representing the teams corresponding to the provided team_names. Raises: exception.UnexpectedException if anything but a 422 (team already exists) is raised when trying to create a team. """ existing_teams = list(self._org.get_teams()) existing_team_names = set( for team in existing_teams) required_team_names = set(team_names) teams = [ team for team in existing_teams if in required_team_names ] for team_name in required_team_names - existing_team_names: with _try_api_request(): new_team = self._org.create_team( team_name, permission=permission )"Created team {}".format(team_name)) teams.append(new_team) return teams def _ensure_members_in_team( self, team: github.Team.Team, members: Iterable[str] ): """Add all of the users in ``members`` to a team. Skips any users that don't exist, or are already in the team. Args: team: A _Team object to which members should be added. members: An iterable of usernames. """ existing_members = set(member.login for member in team.get_members()) missing_members = [ member for member in members if member not in existing_members ] if missing_members: "Adding members {} to team {}".format( ", ".join(missing_members), ) ) if existing_members: "{} already in team {}, skipping...".format( ", ".join(existing_members), ) ) self._add_to_team(missing_members, team) def _add_to_team(self, members: Iterable[str], team: github.Team.Team): """Add members to a team. Args: members: Users to add to the team. team: A Team. """ with _try_api_request(): users = self._get_users(members) for user in users: team.add_membership(user)
[docs] def create_repos(self, repos: Iterable[plug.Repo]): """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.create_repos`.""" repo_urls = [] for info in repos: created = False with _try_api_request(ignore_statuses=[422]): kwargs = dict( description=info.description, private=info.private ) if info.team_id: # using falsy results in an exception kwargs["team_id"] = info.team_id repo_urls.append( self._org.create_repo(, **kwargs).html_url )"Created {}/{}".format(self._org_name, created = True if not created: repo_urls.append(self._org.get_repo( "{}/{} already exists".format(self._org_name, ) return [self._insert_auth(url) for url in repo_urls]
[docs] def get_repo_urls( self, master_repo_names: Iterable[str], org_name: Optional[str] = None, teams: Optional[List[plug.Team]] = None, ) -> List[str]: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.get_repo_urls`.""" with _try_api_request(): org = ( self._org if not org_name else self._github.get_organization(org_name) ) repo_names = ( master_repo_names if not teams else plug.generate_repo_names(teams, master_repo_names) ) return [ self._insert_auth(url) for url in ( "{}/{}".format(org.html_url, repo_name) for repo_name in list(repo_names) ) ]
[docs] def extract_repo_name(self, repo_url: str) -> str: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.extract_repo_name`.""" return pathlib.Path(repo_url).stem
def _insert_auth(self, repo_url: str): """Insert an authentication token into the url. Args: repo_url: A HTTPS url to a repository. Returns: the input url with an authentication token inserted. """ if not repo_url.startswith("https://"): raise ValueError( "unsupported protocol in '{}', please use https:// ".format( repo_url ) ) auth = "{}:{}".format(self._user, self.token) return repo_url.replace("https://", "https://{}@".format(auth))
[docs] def get_issues( self, repo_names: Iterable[str], state: plug.IssueState = plug.IssueState.OPEN, title_regex: str = "", ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, ISSUE_GENERATOR], None, None]: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.get_issues`.""" repos = self._get_repos_by_name(repo_names) raw_state = _ISSUE_STATE_MAPPING[state] with _try_api_request(): name_issues_pairs = ( (, ( plug.Issue( title=issue.title, body=issue.body, number=issue.number, created_at=issue.created_at.isoformat(), author=issue.user.login, implementation=issue, ) for issue in repo.get_issues(state=raw_state) if re.match(title_regex or "", issue.title) ), ) for repo in repos ) yield from name_issues_pairs
[docs] def open_issue( self, title: str, body: str, repo_names: Iterable[str] ) -> None: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.open_issue`.""" repo_names_set = set(repo_names) repos = list(self._get_repos_by_name(repo_names_set)) for repo in repos: with _try_api_request(): created_issue = repo.create_issue(title, body=body) "Opened issue {}/#{}-'{}'".format(, created_issue.number, created_issue.title ) )
[docs] def close_issue(self, title_regex: str, repo_names: Iterable[str]) -> None: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.close_issue`.""" repo_names_set = set(repo_names) repos = list(self._get_repos_by_name(repo_names_set)) issue_repo_gen = ( (issue, repo) for repo in repos for issue in repo.get_issues(state="open") if re.match(title_regex, issue.title) ) closed = 0 for issue, repo in issue_repo_gen: issue.edit(state="closed") "Closed issue {}/#{}-'{}'".format(, issue.number, issue.title ) ) closed += 1 if not closed: LOGGER.warning("Found no matching issues.")
[docs] def add_repos_to_review_teams( self, team_to_repos: Mapping[str, Iterable[str]], issue: Optional[plug.Issue] = None, ) -> None: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.add_repos_to_review_teams`. """ issue = issue or DEFAULT_REVIEW_ISSUE for team, repo in self._add_repos_to_teams(team_to_repos): # TODO team.get_members() api request is a bit redundant, it # can be solved in a more efficient way by passing in the # allocations reviewers = team.get_members() created_issue = repo.create_issue( issue.title, body=issue.body, assignees=reviewers ) "Opened issue {}/#{}-'{}'".format(, created_issue.number, created_issue.title ) )
[docs] def get_review_progress( self, review_team_names: Iterable[str], teams: Iterable[plug.Team], title_regex: str, ) -> Mapping[str, List[plug.Review]]: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.get_review_progress`.""" reviews = collections.defaultdict(list) review_team_impls = self._get_teams_in(review_team_names) for review_team_impl in review_team_impls: with _try_api_request():"Processing {}".format( reviewers = set( m.login for m in review_team_impl.get_members() ) review_teams = self._extract_review_teams(teams, reviewers) repos = list(review_team_impl.get_repos()) if len(repos) != 1: LOGGER.warning( "Expected {} to have 1 associated repo, found {}." "Skipping...".format(, len(repos)) ) continue repo = repos[0] review_issue_authors = { issue.user.login for issue in repo.get_issues() if re.match(title_regex, issue.title) } for team in review_teams: reviews[str(team)].append( plug.Review(, done=any( map( review_issue_authors.__contains__, team.members, ) ), ) ) return reviews
def _extract_review_teams(self, teams, reviewers): review_teams = [] for team in teams: if any(map(team.members.__contains__, reviewers)): review_teams.append(team) return review_teams def _add_repos_to_teams( self, team_to_repos: Mapping[str, Iterable[str]] ) -> Generator[ Tuple[github.Team.Team, github.Repository.Repository], None, None ]: """Add repos to teams and yield each (team, repo) combination _after_ the repo has been added to the team. Args: team_to_repos: A mapping from a team name to a sequence of repo names. Returns: a generator yielding each (team, repo) tuple in turn. """ team_names = set(team_to_repos.keys()) with _try_api_request(): teams = ( team for team in self._org.get_teams() if in team_names ) for team in teams: repos = self._get_repos_by_name(team_to_repos[]) for repo in repos: "Adding team {} to repo {} with '{}' permission".format(,, team.permission ) ) with _try_api_request(): team.add_to_repos(repo) yield team, repo def _get_repos_by_name( self, repo_names: Iterable[str] ) -> Generator[_Repo, None, None]: """Get all repos that match any of the names in repo_names. Unmatched names are ignored (in both directions). Args: repo_names: Names of repos to fetch. Returns: a generator of repo objects. """ repos = set() for name in repo_names: with _try_api_request(ignore_statuses=[404]): repo = self._org.get_repo(name) yield repo repos.add( missing_repos = set(repo_names) - repos if missing_repos: LOGGER.warning( "Can't find repos: {}".format(", ".join(missing_repos)) )
[docs] def discover_repos( self, teams: Iterable[plug.Team] ) -> Generator[plug.Repo, None, None]: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.APISpec.discover_repos`.""" raw_teams = self._get_teams_in([ for team in teams]) with _try_api_request(): for team in raw_teams: for repo in team.get_repos(): yield plug.Repo(, description=repo.description, private=repo.private,, url=self._insert_auth(repo.html_url), implementation=repo, )
[docs] @staticmethod def verify_settings( user: str, org_name: str, base_url: str, token: str, master_org_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """See :py:meth:`repobee_plug.API.verify_settings`.""""Verifying settings ...") if not token: raise exception.BadCredentials( msg="token is empty. Check that REPOBEE_TOKEN environment " "variable is properly set, or supply the `--token` option." ) g = github.Github(login_or_token=token, base_url=base_url)"Trying to fetch user information ...") user_not_found_msg = ( "user {} could not be found. Possible reasons: " "bad base url, bad username or bad access token permissions" ).format(user) with _convert_404_to_not_found_error(user_not_found_msg): user_ = g.get_user(user) msg = ( "Specified login is {}, " "but the fetched user's login is {}.".format(user, user_.login) ) if user_.login is None: msg = ( "{} Possible reasons: bad api url that points to a " "GitHub instance, but not to the api endpoint." ).format(msg) raise exception.UnexpectedException(msg=msg) elif user_.login != user: msg = ( "{} Possible reasons: unknown, rerun with -tb and open an " "issue on GitHub.".format(msg) ) raise exception.UnexpectedException(msg=msg) "SUCCESS: found user {}, " "user exists and base url looks okay".format(user) )"Verifying access token scopes ...") scopes = g.oauth_scopes if not REQUIRED_TOKEN_SCOPES.issubset(scopes): raise exception.BadCredentials( "missing one or more access token scopes. " "Actual: {}. Required {}".format(scopes, REQUIRED_TOKEN_SCOPES) )"SUCCESS: access token scopes look okay") GitHubAPI._verify_org(org_name, user, g) if master_org_name: GitHubAPI._verify_org(master_org_name, user, g)"GREAT SUCCESS: all settings check out!")
@staticmethod def _verify_org(org_name: str, user: str, g: github.MainClass.Github): """Check that the organization exists and that the user is an owner.""""Trying to fetch organization {} ...".format(org_name)) org_not_found_msg = ( "organization {} could not be found. Possible " "reasons: org does not exist, user does not have " "sufficient access to organization." ).format(org_name) with _convert_404_to_not_found_error(org_not_found_msg): org = g.get_organization(org_name)"SUCCESS: found organization {}".format(org_name)) "Verifying that user {} is an owner of organization {}".format( user, org_name ) ) owner_usernames = ( owner.login for owner in org.get_members(role="admin") ) if user not in owner_usernames: raise exception.BadCredentials( "user {} is not an owner of organization {}".format( user, org_name ) ) "SUCCESS: user {} is an owner of organization {}".format( user, org_name ) )
[docs]class DefaultAPIHooks(plug.Plugin): def api_init_requires(self): return ("base_url", "token", "org_name", "user") def get_api_class(self): return GitHubAPI