Source code for _repobee.cli.preparser

"""Module for the preparser.

The preparser runs before the primary parser
(see :py:mod:`_repobee.cli.mainparser`). The reason for this somewhat
convoluted setup is that:

1. Plugins need to be able to add options to the CLI, which is only
possible if a separate parser runs before the primary parser.
2. Certain options affect how the CLI behaves, such as ``--show-all-opts``.

.. module:: preparser
    :synopsis: The preparser for RepoBee.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén

import argparse
import pathlib
from typing import List

import _repobee.cli
import _repobee.constants

PRE_PARSER_PLUG_OPTS = ["-p", "--plug"]
PRE_PARSER_CONFIG_OPTS = ["-c", "--config-file"]

PRE_PARSER_NO_PLUGS = "--no-plugins"
PRE_PARSER_SHOW_ALL_OPTS = "--show-all-opts"
# this list should include all pre-parser flags

[docs]def parse_args(sys_args: List[str]) -> argparse.Namespace: """Parse all arguments that can somehow alter the end-user CLI, such as plugins. Args: sys_args: Command line arguments. Returns: The parsed arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="repobee", description="plugin pre-parser for _repobee." ) parser.add_argument( *PRE_PARSER_CONFIG_OPTS, help="Specify path to the config file to use.", type=pathlib.Path, default=_repobee.constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, ) parser.add_argument( PRE_PARSER_SHOW_ALL_OPTS, help="Unsuppress all options in help menus", action="store_true", ) mutex_grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() mutex_grp.add_argument( *PRE_PARSER_PLUG_OPTS, help="Specify the name of a plugin to use.", type=str, action="append", default=None, ) mutex_grp.add_argument( PRE_PARSER_NO_PLUGS, help="Disable plugins.", action="store_true" ) args = parser.parse_args(sys_args) return args
[docs]def separate_args(args: List[str]) -> (List[str], List[str]): """Separate args into preparser args and primary parser args. Args: args: Raw command line arguments. Returns: A tuple of lists (preparser_args, mainparser_args). """ preparser_args = [] if args and args[0].startswith("-"): cur = 0 while cur < len(args) and args[cur].startswith("-"): if args[cur] in _repobee.cli.preparser.PRE_PARSER_OPTS: preparser_args += args[cur : cur + 2] cur += 2 elif args[cur] in _repobee.cli.preparser.PRE_PARSER_FLAGS: preparser_args.append(args[cur]) cur += 1 else: break return preparser_args, args[len(preparser_args) :]