Source code for _repobee.cli.mainparser

"""Definition of the primary parser for RepoBee.

.. module:: mainparser
    :synopsis: The primary parser for RepoBee.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén

import types
import argparse
import pathlib

from typing import Union, Mapping

import repobee_plug as plug
from repobee_plug.cli import categorization

import _repobee
from _repobee import plugin
from _repobee import config

from _repobee.cli.argparse_ext import RepobeeParser, OrderedFormatter

__all__ = ["create_parser", "create_parser_for_docs"]

CATEGORY = "category"
ACTION = "action"

_HOOK_RESULTS_PARSER = RepobeeParser(is_core_command=True, add_help=False)
    help="path to a .json file to store results from plugin hooks in",
_REPO_NAME_PARSER = RepobeeParser(is_core_command=True, add_help=False)
    help="one or more names of assignments",
_REPO_DISCOVERY_PARSER = RepobeeParser(is_core_command=True, add_help=False)
_DISCOVERY_MUTEX_GRP = _REPO_DISCOVERY_PARSER.add_mutually_exclusive_group(
    help="one or more names of assignments",
    help="discover all repositories for the specified students (NOTE: "
    "expensive in terms of API calls)",
_LOCAL_TEMPLATES_PARSER = RepobeeParser(is_core_command=True, add_help=False)
    help="allow the use of template repos in the current working directory",

[docs]def create_parser_for_docs() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Create a parser showing all options for the default CLI documentation. Returns: The primary parser, specifically for generating documentation. """ plugin.initialize_default_plugins() plugin.initialize_dist_plugins(force=True) return create_parser(config_file=_repobee.constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)
[docs]def create_parser(config_file: pathlib.Path) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Create the primary parser. Args: config_file: Path to the config file. Returns: The primary parser. """ def _versioned_plugin_name(plugin_module: types.ModuleType) -> str: """Return the name of the plugin, with version if available.""" name = plugin_module.__name__.split(".")[-1] ver = plugin.resolve_plugin_version(plugin_module) return "{}-{}".format(name, ver) if ver else name loaded_plugins = ", ".join( [ _versioned_plugin_name(p) for p in plug.manager.get_plugins() if isinstance(p, types.ModuleType) and not plugin.is_default_plugin(p) ] ) program_description = ( "A CLI tool for administrating large amounts of git repositories " "on GitHub and\nGitLab instances. Read the docs at: " "\n\n" ) program_description += "Loaded plugins: " + loaded_plugins parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="repobee", description=program_description, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", help="display version info", action="version", version="{}".format(_repobee.__version__), ) _add_subparsers(parser, config_file) return parser
def _add_subparsers(parser, config_file): """Add all of the subparsers to the parser. Note that the parsers prefixed with `base_` do not have any parent parsers, so any parser inheriting from them must also inherit from the required `base_parser` (unless it is a `base_` prefixed parser, of course). """ ( base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser, ) = _create_base_parsers(config_file) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest=CATEGORY) subparsers.required = True parsers: Mapping[ Union[categorization.Category, categorization.Action], argparse.ArgumentParser, ] = {} def _create_category_parsers(category, help, description): category_command = subparsers.add_parser(, help=help, description=description, ) category_parsers = category_command.add_subparsers(dest=ACTION) category_parsers.required = True parsers[category] = category_parsers return category_parsers repo_parsers = _create_category_parsers( plug.cli.CoreCommand.repos, description="Manage repositories.", help="manage repositories", ) teams_parsers = _create_category_parsers( plug.cli.CoreCommand.teams, description="Manage teams.", help="manage teams", ) issues_parsers = _create_category_parsers( plug.cli.CoreCommand.issues, description="Manage issues.", help="manage issues", ) review_parsers = _create_category_parsers(, help="manage peer reviews", description="Manage peer reviews.", ) config_parsers = _create_category_parsers( plug.cli.CoreCommand.config, help="configure RepoBee", description="Configure RepoBee.", ) def _add_action_parser(category_parsers): def inner(action, **kwargs): parsers[action] = category_parsers.add_parser(, **kwargs ) return parsers[action] return inner _add_repo_parsers( base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser, _add_action_parser(repo_parsers), ) _add_teams_parsers( base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser, _add_action_parser(teams_parsers), ) _add_issue_parsers( [base_parser, base_student_parser, _REPO_NAME_PARSER], _add_action_parser(issues_parsers), ) _add_peer_review_parsers( [base_parser, base_student_parser, _REPO_NAME_PARSER], _add_action_parser(review_parsers), ) _add_config_parsers( base_parser, template_org_parser, _add_action_parser(config_parsers) ) _add_extension_parsers( subparsers, base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser, _REPO_NAME_PARSER, parsers, config._read_config(config_file) if config_file.is_file() else {}, ) def _add_repo_parsers( base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser, add_parser ): add_parser( plug.cli.CoreCommand.repos.setup, help="setup student repos and associated teams", description=( "Setup student repositories based on master repositories. " "This command performs three primary actions: sets up the " "student teams, creates one student repository for each " "master repository and finally pushes the master repo files to " "the corresponding student repos. It is perfectly safe to run " "this command several times, as any previously performed step " "will simply be skipped." ), parents=[ base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser, _REPO_NAME_PARSER, _HOOK_RESULTS_PARSER, _LOCAL_TEMPLATES_PARSER, ], formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) update = add_parser( plug.cli.CoreCommand.repos.update, help="update existing student repos", description=( "Push changes from master repos to student repos. If the " "`--issue` option is provided, the specified issue is opened in " "any repo to which pushes fail (because the students have pushed " "something already)." ), parents=[ base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser, _REPO_NAME_PARSER, _LOCAL_TEMPLATES_PARSER, ], formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) update.add_argument( "-i", "--issue", help="path to issue file to open in repos to which pushes fail " "(NOTE: first line is assumed to be the title)", type=str, ) add_parser( plug.cli.CoreCommand.repos.clone, help="clone student repos", description="Clone student repos asynchronously in bulk.", parents=[ base_parser, base_student_parser, _REPO_DISCOVERY_PARSER, _HOOK_RESULTS_PARSER, ], formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) add_parser( plug.cli.CoreCommand.repos.migrate, help="migrate repositories into the target organization", description=( "Migrate repositories into the target organization. " "The repos must be local on disk to be migrated. Note that " "migrated repos will be private." ), parents=[_REPO_NAME_PARSER, base_parser, _LOCAL_TEMPLATES_PARSER], formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) def _add_teams_parsers( base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser, add_parser ): add_parser( plug.cli.CoreCommand.teams.create, help="create student teams without creating repos", description=( "Only create student teams. This is intended for when you want to " "use RepoBee for management, but don't want to dictate the names " "of your student's repositories. The `setup` command performs " "this step automatically, so there is never a need to run both " "this command AND `setup`." ), parents=[base_parser, base_student_parser], formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) def _add_config_parsers(base_parser, template_org_parser, add_parser): show_config = add_parser(, help="show the configuration file", description=( "Show the contents of the configuration file. If no configuration " "file can be found, show the path where repobee expectes to find " "it." ), formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) show_config.add_argument( "--secrets", help="show secrets in the config file that are otherwise sanitized", action="store_true", ) _add_traceback_arg(show_config) add_parser( plug.cli.CoreCommand.config.verify, help="verify core settings", description="Verify core settings by trying various API requests.", parents=[base_parser, template_org_parser], formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) def _add_peer_review_parsers(base_parsers, add_parser): assign_parser = add_parser(, description=( "For each student repo, create a review team with read access " "named <student-repo-name>-review and randomly assign " "other students to it. All students are assigned to the same " "amount of review teams, as specified by `--num-reviews`. Note " "that `--num-reviews` must be strictly less than the amount of " "students. Note that review allocation strategy may be altered " "by plugins." ), help="assign students to peer review each others' repos", parents=base_parsers, formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) assign_parser.add_argument( "-n", "--num-reviews", metavar="N", help="assign each student to review n repos, n < amount of students", type=int, default=1, ) assign_parser.add_argument( "-i", "--issue", help="path to an issue file with review instructions to open in " "student repos (NOTE: first line is assumed to be the title)", type=str, ) check_review_progress = add_parser(, description=( "Check which students have opened review review issues in their " "assigned repos. As it is possible for students to leave the peer " "review teams on their own, the command checks that each student " "is assigned to the expected amound of teams. There is currently " "no way to check if students have been swapped around, so using " "this command fow grading purposes is not recommended." ), help="check which students have opened peer review issues", parents=base_parsers, formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) check_review_progress.add_argument( "-r", "--title-regex", help="issues matching this regex will count as review issues.", required=True, ) check_review_progress.add_argument( "-n", "--num-reviews", metavar="N", help="the expected amount of reviews each student should be assigned," " used to check for team tampering", type=int, required=True, ) add_parser(, description=( "Delete review allocations assigned with `assign-reviews`. " "This is a destructive action, as the allocations for reviews " "are irreversibly deleted. The purpose of this command is to " "revoke the reviewers' read access to reviewed repos, and to " "clean up the allocations (i.e. deleting the review teams when " "using GitHub, or groups when using GitLab). It will however not " "do anything with the review issues. You can NOT run " "`check-reviews` after `end-reviews`, as the former " "needs the allocations to function properly. Use this command " "only when reviews are done." ), help="delete review allocations created by `assign-reviews` " "(DESTRUCTIVE ACTION: read help section before using)", parents=base_parsers, formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) def _add_issue_parsers(base_parsers, add_parser): base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser = base_parsers open_parser = add_parser(, description=( "Open issues in student repositories. For each master repository " "specified, the student list is traversed. For every student repo " "found, the issue specified by the `--issue` option is opened. " "NOTE: The first line of the issue file is assumed to be the " "issue title!" ), help="open issues in student repos", parents=base_parsers, formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) open_parser.add_argument( "-i", "--issue", help="path to an issue file (NOTE: first line is assumed to be the " "title)", type=str, required=True, ) close_parser = add_parser( plug.cli.CoreCommand.issues.close, description=( "Close issues in student repos based on a regex. For each master " "repository specified, the student list is traversed. For every " "student repo found, any open issues matching the `--title-regex` " "are closed." ), help="close issues in student repos", parents=[base_parser, base_student_parser, _REPO_DISCOVERY_PARSER], formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) close_parser.add_argument( "-r", "--title-regex", help="regex to filter issues by", type=str, required=True, ) list_parser = add_parser( plug.cli.CoreCommand.issues.list, description="List issues in student repos.", help="List issues in student repos.", parents=[ base_parser, base_student_parser, _REPO_DISCOVERY_PARSER, _HOOK_RESULTS_PARSER, ], formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) list_parser.add_argument( "-r", "--title-regex", help="regex to filter issues by" ) list_parser.add_argument( "-b", "--show-body", action="store_true", help="show the body of the issue, alongside the default info", ) list_parser.add_argument( "--author", help="only show issues by this author", type=str, default=None, ) state = list_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() state.add_argument( "--open", help="list open issues (default)", action="store_const", dest="state", const=plug.IssueState.OPEN, ) state.add_argument( "--closed", help="list closed issues", action="store_const", dest="state", const=plug.IssueState.CLOSED, ) state.add_argument( "--all", help="list all issues (open and closed)", action="store_const", dest="state", const=plug.IssueState.ALL, ) list_parser.set_defaults(state=plug.IssueState.OPEN) def _add_extension_parsers( subparsers, base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser, repo_name_parser, parsers_mapping, parsed_config, ): """Add extension parsers defined by plugins.""" command_extension_plugins = [ p for p in plug.manager.get_plugins() if isinstance(p, plug.cli.CommandExtension) ] for cmd in command_extension_plugins: for action in cmd.__settings__.actions: parser = parsers_mapping[action] cmd.attach_options( config=parsed_config, parser=parser, ) command_plugins = [ p for p in plug.manager.get_plugins() if isinstance(p, plug.cli.Command) ] for cmd in command_plugins: is_category_action = False settings = cmd.__settings__ category = ( settings.action.category if isinstance(settings.action, categorization.Action) else settings.category ) action = settings.action or cmd.__class__.__name__.lower().replace( "_", "-" ) if isinstance(action, str): if not category: is_category_action = True category = plug.cli.category( name=action, action_names=[action] ) action = ( category[action] if category and action in category else categorization.Action(name=action, category=category) ) parents = [] bp = plug.BaseParser req_parsers = settings.base_parsers or [] if cmd.__requires_api__() or bp.BASE in req_parsers: parents.append(base_parser) if bp.STUDENTS in req_parsers: parents.append(base_student_parser) if bp.TEMPLATE_ORG in req_parsers: parents.append(template_org_parser) if bp.REPO_DISCOVERY in req_parsers: parents.append(_REPO_DISCOVERY_PARSER) elif bp.ASSIGNMENTS in req_parsers: parents.append(repo_name_parser) if ( category and category not in parsers_mapping and not is_category_action ): # new category category_cmd = subparsers.add_parser(,, description=category.description, ) category_parsers = category_cmd.add_subparsers(dest=ACTION) category_parsers.required = True parsers_mapping[category] = category_parsers assert action not in parsers_mapping ext_parser = (parsers_mapping.get(category) or subparsers).add_parser(,, description=settings.description, parents=parents, formatter_class=OrderedFormatter, ) try: _add_traceback_arg(ext_parser) except argparse.ArgumentError: pass try: # this will fail if we are adding arguments to an existing command ext_parser.add_argument( "--repobee-action", action="store_const", help=argparse.SUPPRESS,,, dest="action", ) # This is a little bit of a dirty trick. It allows us to easily # find the associated extension command when parsing the arguments. ext_parser.add_argument( "--repobee-extension-command", action="store_const", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, const=cmd, default=cmd, dest="_extension_command", ) except argparse.ArgumentError: pass if is_category_action: # category is not specified, so it's a category-action ext_parser.add_argument( "--repobee-category", action="store_const", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, const=category, default=category, dest="category", ) cmd.attach_options( config=parsed_config, parser=ext_parser, ) settings_dict = settings._asdict() settings_dict.update(dict(action=action, category=category)) cmd.__settings__ = settings.__class__(**settings_dict) def _create_base_parsers(config_file): """Create the base parsers.""" configured_defaults = config.get_configured_defaults(config_file) def default(arg_name): return ( configured_defaults[arg_name] if arg_name in configured_defaults else None ) def configured(arg_name): return arg_name in configured_defaults def api_requires(arg_name): return arg_name in plug.manager.hook.api_init_requires() # API args help sections user_help = "your username" org_name_help = "name of the target organization" base_url_help = ( "Base url to a platform API. Must be HTTPS. For example, with " ", the base url is, and with " "GitHub enterprise, the url is https://<ENTERPRISE_HOST>/api/v3" ) token_help = "access token for the platform instance" # other configurable args help sections # these should not be checked against the api_requires function students_file_help = ( "path to a list of student usernames or groups of students" ) template_org_help = ( "name of the organization containing the template repos " "(defaults to the same value as `-o|--org-name`)" ) base_parser = RepobeeParser(is_core_command=True, add_help=False) base_parser.add_argument( "-u", "--user", help=user_help, type=str, required=not configured("user") and api_requires("user"), default=default("user"), ) base_parser.add_argument( "-o", "--org-name", help=org_name_help, type=str, required=not configured("org_name") and api_requires("org_name"), default=default("org_name"), ) base_parser.add_argument( "--bu", "--base-url", help=base_url_help, type=str, required=not configured("base_url") and api_requires("base_url"), default=default("base_url"), dest="base_url", ) base_parser.add_argument( "-t", "--token", help=token_help, type=str, required=not configured("token") and api_requires("token"), default=default("token"), ) _add_traceback_arg(base_parser) # base parser for when student lists are involved base_student_parser = RepobeeParser(is_core_command=True, add_help=False) students = base_student_parser.add_argument_group( "core" ).add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=not configured("students_file")) students.add_argument( "--sf", "--students-file", help=students_file_help, type=str, default=default("students_file"), dest="students_file", ) students.add_argument( "-s", "--students", help="One or more whitespace separated student usernames.", type=str, nargs="+", ) template_org_parser = RepobeeParser(is_core_command=True, add_help=False) template_org_parser.add_argument( "--to", "--template-org-name", help=template_org_help, default=default("template_org_name"), dest="template_org_name", ) return (base_parser, base_student_parser, template_org_parser) def _add_traceback_arg(parser): parser.add_argument( "--tb", "--traceback", help="Show the full traceback of critical exceptions.", action="store_true", dest="traceback", )