Source code for _repobee.cli.parsing

"""Parsing logic for RepoBee's primary parser.

This is separated into its own module as it is a relatively complex affair.
Any non-trivial parsing logic should go in here, whereas definitions of
the primary parser should go int :py:mod:`_repobee.cli.mainparser`.

.. module:: parsing
    :synopsis: Parsing logic for RepoBee's primary parser.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén
import argparse
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import enum
from typing import Iterable, Optional, List, Tuple

import argcomplete
import daiquiri
import repobee_plug as plug
from repobee_plug.cli import categorization

import _repobee
import _repobee.cli.mainparser
from _repobee import util, exception, constants, cli

from _repobee.command import progresswrappers

class _ArgsProcessing(enum.Enum):
    """Enum for selecting the type of processing for args."""

    NONE = "none"
    CORE = "core"
    EXT = "ext"

[docs]def handle_args( sys_args: Iterable[str], config_file: pathlib.Path = constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, ) -> Tuple[argparse.Namespace, Optional[plug.PlatformAPI]]: """Parse and process command line arguments and instantiate the platform API (if it's needed). Args: sys_args: Raw command line arguments for the primary parser. config_file: Path to the config file. Returns: A tuple of a namespace with parsed and processed arguments, and an instance of the platform API if it is required for the command. """ args, processing = _parse_args(sys_args, config_file) plug.manager.hook.handle_parsed_args(args=args) if processing == _ArgsProcessing.CORE: processed_args, api = _process_args(args) return processed_args, api elif processing == _ArgsProcessing.EXT: processed_args, api = _process_ext_args(args) return processed_args, api return args, None
def _parse_args( sys_args: Iterable[str], config_file: pathlib.Path, ) -> Tuple[argparse.Namespace, _ArgsProcessing]: """Parse the command line arguments with some light processing. Any processing that requires external resources (such as a network connection) must be performed by the :py:func:`_process_args` function. Args: sys_args: A list of command line arguments. config_file: Path to the config file. Returns: A namespace of parsed arpuments and a boolean that specifies whether or not further processing is required. """ parser = cli.mainparser.create_parser(config_file) argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) args = parser.parse_args(_handle_deprecation(sys_args)) if "_extension_command" in args: return args, _ArgsProcessing.EXT if "base_url" in args: _validate_tls_url(args.base_url) args_dict = vars(args) args_dict["students"] = _extract_groups(args) args_dict["issue"] = ( util.read_issue(args.issue) if "issue" in args and args.issue else None ) args_dict.setdefault("template_org_name", None) args_dict.setdefault("title_regex", None) args_dict.setdefault("state", None) args_dict.setdefault("show_body", None) args_dict.setdefault("author", None) args_dict.setdefault("num_reviews", None) args_dict.setdefault("user", None) args_dict["action"] = ( args.action if isinstance(args.action, categorization.Action) else plug.cli.CoreCommand(args.category)[args.action] ) args_dict["category"] = ( args.category if isinstance(args.category, categorization.Category) else plug.cli.CoreCommand(args.category) ) requires_processing = _resolve_requires_processing(args) return argparse.Namespace(**args_dict), requires_processing def _resolve_requires_processing(args: argparse.Namespace) -> _ArgsProcessing: """Figure out if further processing of the parsed args is required. This is primarily decided on whether or not the platform API is required, as that implies further processing. """ if args.action in [ plug.cli.CoreCommand.config.verify,, ]: return _ArgsProcessing.NONE return _ArgsProcessing.CORE def _process_args( args: argparse.Namespace, ) -> Tuple[argparse.Namespace, plug.PlatformAPI]: """Process parsed command line arguments. Args: """ api = _connect_to_api(args.base_url, args.token, args.org_name, args.user) template_org_name = args.org_name if "template_org_name" in args and args.template_org_name is not None: template_org_name = args.template_org_name repos = master_names = master_urls = None if "discover_repos" in args and args.discover_repos: repos = _discover_repos(args.students, api) elif "assignments" in args: master_names = args.assignments remote_urls, local_uris = _repo_names_to_urls( master_names, template_org_name, api ) if local_uris and not getattr(args, "allow_local_templates", True): locals_str = " ".join([f"'{uri}'" for uri in local_uris]) raise exception.ParseError( f"found local templates in workdir: {locals_str}, " "use `--allow-local-templates` to allow locals or change " "directory to use remotes only" ) master_urls = remote_urls + local_uris repos = _repo_tuple_generator(master_names, args.students, api) assert master_urls and master_names args_dict = vars(args) args_dict["template_repo_urls"] = master_urls args_dict["assignments"] = master_names args_dict["repos"] = repos # marker for functionality that relies on fully processed args args_dict["_repobee_processed"] = True return argparse.Namespace(**args_dict), api def _discover_repos( student_teams: plug.StudentTeam, api: plug.PlatformAPI ) -> Iterable[plug.StudentRepo]: student_teams_dict = { t for t in student_teams} fetched_teams = progresswrappers.get_teams( student_teams, api, desc="Discovering team repos" ) for team in fetched_teams: repos = api.get_team_repos(team) yield from ( plug.StudentRepo(, url=repo.url, team=student_teams_dict[], ) for repo in repos ) def _repo_tuple_generator( assignment_names: List[str], teams: List[plug.StudentTeam], api: plug.PlatformAPI, ) -> Iterable[plug.StudentRepo]: for assignment_name in assignment_names: for team in teams: url, *_ = api.get_repo_urls( [assignment_name], team_names=[] ) name = plug.generate_repo_name(team, assignment_name) yield plug.StudentRepo(name=name, url=url, team=team) def _validate_tls_url(url): """Url must use the https protocol.""" if not url.startswith("https://"): raise exception.ParseError( "unsupported protocol in {}: " "for security reasons, only https is supported".format(url) ) def _handle_deprecation(sys_args: List[str]) -> List[str]: """If the first argument on the arglist is a deprecated command, replace it with the corresponding current command and issue a warning. Returns: The sys_args list with any deprecated command replaced with the current one. """ # FIXME Deprecation needs to be re-implemented return sys_args def _extract_groups(args: argparse.Namespace) -> List[plug.StudentTeam]: """Extract groups from args namespace.` Args: args: A namespace object. Returns: a list of student usernames, or None of neither `students` or `students_file` is in the namespace. """ if "students" in args and args.students: students = [plug.StudentTeam(members=[s]) for s in args.students] elif "students_file" in args and args.students_file: students_file = pathlib.Path(args.students_file).resolve() if not students_file.is_file(): raise exception.FileError( "'{!s}' is not a file".format(students_file) ) if not students_file.stat().st_size: raise exception.FileError("'{!s}' is empty".format(students_file)) students = [ plug.StudentTeam(members=[s for s in group.strip().split()]) for group in students_file.read_text( encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding() ).split(os.linesep) if group # skip blank lines ] else: students = None return students def _connect_to_api( base_url: str, token: str, org_name: str, user: str ) -> plug.PlatformAPI: """Return an API instance connected to the specified API endpoint.""" required_args = plug.manager.hook.api_init_requires() kwargs = {} if "base_url" in required_args: kwargs["base_url"] = base_url if "token" in required_args: kwargs["token"] = token if "org_name" in required_args: kwargs["org_name"] = org_name if "user" in required_args: kwargs["user"] = user api_class = plug.manager.hook.get_api_class() try: return api_class(**kwargs) except plug.NotFoundError: # more informative message raise plug.NotFoundError( "either organization {} could not be found, " "or the base url '{}' is incorrect".format(org_name, base_url) ) def _repo_names_to_urls( repo_names: Iterable[str], org_name: str, api: plug.PlatformAPI ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """Use the repo_names to extract urls to the repos. Look for git repos with the correct names in the local directory and create local uris for them. For the rest, create urls to the repos assuming they are in the target organization. Do note that there is _no_ guarantee that the remote repos exist as checking this takes too much time with the REST API. A possible improvement would be to use the GraphQL API for this function. Args: repo_names: names of repositories. org_name: Name of the organization these repos are expected in. api: An API instance. Returns: A tuple of lists with (non_local_urls, local_uris). Raises: ParseError: If local templates are found, but allow_local is False. """ local = [ name for name in repo_names if util.is_git_repo(os.path.abspath(name)) ] non_local = [name for name in repo_names if name not in local] non_local_urls = api.get_repo_urls(non_local, org_name) local_uris = [ pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(repo_name)).as_uri() for repo_name in local ] return non_local_urls, local_uris def _process_ext_args( args: argparse.Namespace, ) -> Tuple[argparse.Namespace, Optional[plug.PlatformAPI]]: ext_cmd = args._extension_command assert ext_cmd api = None if ext_cmd.__requires_api__(): _validate_tls_url(args.base_url) api = _connect_to_api( args.base_url, args.token, args.org_name, args.user if "user" in args else None, ) args_dict = vars(args) req_parsers = ext_cmd.__settings__.base_parsers or [] bp = plug.BaseParser if bp.STUDENTS in req_parsers: args_dict["students"] = _extract_groups(args) if bp.REPO_DISCOVERY in req_parsers: args_dict["repos"] = _discover_repos(args_dict["students"], api) return argparse.Namespace(**args_dict), api def _filter_tokens(): """Filter out any secure tokens from log output.""" old_factory = logging.getLogRecordFactory() def record_factory(*args, **kwargs): record = old_factory(*args, **kwargs) # from URLS (e.g. git error messages) record.msg = re.sub("https://.*?@", "https://", record.msg) # from show-config output record.msg = re.sub(r"token\s*=\s*.*", "token = xxxxxxxxx", record.msg) return record logging.setLogRecordFactory(record_factory)
[docs]def setup_logging(terminal_level: int = logging.WARNING) -> None: """Setup logging by creating the required log directory and setting up the logger. Args: terminal_level: The logging level to use for printing to stderr. """ try: os.makedirs(str(constants.LOG_DIR), exist_ok=True) except Exception as exc: raise exception.FileError( "can't create log directory at {}".format(constants.LOG_DIR) ) from exc daiquiri.setup( level=logging.DEBUG, outputs=( daiquiri.output.Stream( sys.stderr, formatter=daiquiri.formatter.ColorFormatter( fmt="%(color)s[%(levelname)s] %(message)s%(color_stop)s" ), level=terminal_level, ), daiquiri.output.File( filename=str( constants.LOG_DIR / "{}.log".format(_repobee._external_package_name) ), formatter=daiquiri.formatter.ColorFormatter( fmt="%(asctime)s [PID %(process)d] [%(levelname)s] " "%(name)s -> %(message)s" ), level=logging.DEBUG, ), ), ) _filter_tokens()