Source code for

"""Utility functions relating to RepoBee's naming conventions.

.. module:: name
    :synopsis: Utility functions relating to RepoBee's naming conventions.
from typing import Iterable, Union

from repobee_plug import localreps
from repobee_plug import platform

[docs]def generate_repo_names( team_names: Iterable[Union[str, localreps.StudentTeam, platform.Team]], assignment_names: Iterable[str], ) -> Iterable[str]: """Construct all combinations of generate_repo_name(team_name, assignment_name) for the provided team names and master repo names. Args: team_names: One or more names of teams. assignment_names: One or more names of assignments. Returns: a list of repo names for all combinations of team and master repo. """ assignment_names = list( assignment_names ) # needs to be traversed multiple times return [ generate_repo_name(team_name, master_name) for master_name in assignment_names for team_name in team_names ]
[docs]def generate_repo_name( team_name: Union[str, localreps.StudentTeam, platform.Team], assignment_name: str, ) -> str: """Construct a repo name for a team. Args: team_name: Name of the associated team. assignment_name: Name of an assignment. """ return "{}-{}".format(team_name, assignment_name)
[docs]def generate_review_team_name( student: Union[str, localreps.StudentTeam, platform.Team], assignment_name: str, ) -> str: """Generate a review team name. Args: student: A student username. assignment_name: Name of an assignment. Returns: a review team name for the student repo associated with this master repo and student. """ return generate_repo_name(student, assignment_name) + "-review"