Source code for _repobee.git

"""Wrapper functions for git commands.

.. module:: git
    :synopsis: Wrapper functions for git CLI commands, such as push and clone.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén
import asyncio
import enum
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import dataclasses
from typing import Iterable, List, Any, Callable, Tuple, Awaitable, Sequence

import more_itertools
import git  # type: ignore

import repobee_plug as plug

from _repobee import exception
from _repobee import util


[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Push: local_path: pathlib.Path repo_url: str branch: str metadata: dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) def __iter__(self): """Iter implementation just to make this dataclass unpackable.""" return iter((self.local_path, self.repo_url, self.branch))
_EMPTY_REPO_ERROR = b"""fatal: Couldn't find remote ref HEAD fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly""" def _ensure_repo_dir_exists(repo_url: str, cwd: str) -> pathlib.Path: """Checks if a dir for the repo url exists, and if it does not, creates it. Also initializez (or reinitializes, if it alrady exists) as a git repo. """ repo_name = util.repo_name(repo_url) dirpath = pathlib.Path(cwd) / repo_name if not dirpath.exists(): dirpath.mkdir() _git_init(dirpath) return dirpath def _git_init(dirpath): captured_run(["git", "init"], cwd=str(dirpath)) async def _pull_clone_async(repo_url: str, branch: str = "", cwd: str = "."): """Simulate a clone with a pull to avoid writing remotes (that could include secure tokens) to disk. """ dirpath = _ensure_repo_dir_exists(repo_url, cwd) pull_command = "git pull {} {}".format(repo_url, branch).strip().split() proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *pull_command, cwd=str(dirpath), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) _, stderr = await proc.communicate() return proc.returncode, stderr
[docs]def captured_run(*args, **kwargs): """Run a subprocess and capture the output.""" proc = *args, **kwargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) return proc.returncode, proc.stdout, proc.stderr
[docs]def clone_single(repo_url: str, branch: str = "", cwd: str = "."): """Clone a git repository with ``git clone``. This should only be used for temporary cloning, as any secure tokens in the repo URL are stored in the repository. Args: repo_url: HTTPS url to repository on the form https://<host>/<owner>/<repo>. branch: The branch to clone. cwd: Working directory. Defaults to the current directory. """ command = [*"git clone --single-branch".split(), repo_url] + ( [branch] if branch else [] ) rc, _, stderr = captured_run(command, cwd=cwd) if rc != 0: raise exception.CloneFailedError( "Failed to clone", rc, stderr, repo_url, )
async def _clone_async(repo_url: str, branch: str = "", cwd="."): """Clone git repositories asynchronously. Args: repo_url: A url to clone. branch: Which branch to clone. cwd: Working directory. """ rc, stderr = await _pull_clone_async(repo_url, branch, cwd) if rc != 0 and _EMPTY_REPO_ERROR not in stderr: raise exception.CloneFailedError( "Failed to clone {}".format(repo_url), returncode=rc, stderr=stderr, url=repo_url, ) else:"Cloned into {}".format(repo_url))
[docs]class CloneStatus(enum.Enum): CLONED = EXISTED = FAILED =
def clone_student_repos( repos: List[plug.StudentRepo], clone_dir: pathlib.Path, api: plug.PlatformAPI, ) -> Iterable[Tuple[CloneStatus, plug.StudentRepo]]: assert all(map(lambda r: r.path is not None, repos)) local = [repo for repo in repos if repo.path.exists()] if local: local_repo_ids = [f"{}/{}" for repo in local] plug.log.warning( f"Found local repos, skipping: {', '.join(local_repo_ids)}" ) non_local = [repo for repo in repos if not repo.path.exists()]"Cloning into {non_local}") url_to_non_local = {api.insert_auth(repo.url): repo for repo in non_local} failed_urls = clone(url_to_non_local.keys(), cwd=str(clone_dir)) failed_repos = {url_to_non_local[url] for url in failed_urls} success_repos = {repo for repo in non_local if repo not in failed_repos} for repo in success_repos: shutil.copytree(src=clone_dir /, dst=repo.path) return ( [(CloneStatus.EXISTED, repo) for repo in local] + [(CloneStatus.CLONED, repo) for repo in success_repos] + [(CloneStatus.FAILED, repo) for repo in failed_repos] )
[docs]def clone(repo_urls: Iterable[str], cwd: str = ".") -> List[str]: """Clone all repos asynchronously. Args: repo_urls: URLs to repos to clone. cwd: Working directory. Defaults to the current directory. Returns: URLs from which cloning failed. """ return [ exc.url for exc in _batch_execution(_clone_async, repo_urls, cwd=cwd) if isinstance(exc, exception.CloneFailedError) ]
async def _push_async(pt: Push): """Asynchronous call to git push, pushing directly to the repo_url and branch. Args: pt: A Push namedtuple. """ command = ["git", "push", pt.repo_url, pt.branch] proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *command, cwd=os.path.abspath(pt.local_path), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) _, stderr = await proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise exception.PushFailedError( "Failed to push to {}".format(pt.repo_url), proc.returncode or -sys.maxsize, stderr, pt.repo_url, ) elif b"Everything up-to-date" in stderr:"{} is up-to-date".format(pt.repo_url)) else:"Pushed files to {} {}".format(pt.repo_url, pt.branch)) def _push_no_retry(push_tuples: Iterable[Push]) -> List[str]: """Push to all repos defined in push_tuples asynchronously. Amount of concurrent tasks is limited by CONCURRENT_TASKS. Pushes once and only once to each repo. Args: push_tuples: Push namedtuples defining local and remote repos. Returns: urls to which pushes failed with exception.PushFailedError. Other errors are only logged. """ return [ exc.url for exc in _batch_execution(_push_async, push_tuples) if isinstance(exc, exception.PushFailedError) ]
[docs]def push( push_tuples: Iterable[Push], tries: int = 3 ) -> Tuple[List[Push], List[Push]]: """Push to all repos defined in push_tuples asynchronously. Amount of concurrent tasks is limited by CONCURRENT_TASKS. Pushing to repos is tried a maximum of ``tries`` times (i.e. pushing is _retried_ ``tries - 1`` times.) Args: push_tuples: Push namedtuples defining local and remote repos. tries: Amount of times to try to push (including initial push). Returns: A tuple of lists of push tuples on the form (successful, failures). """ if tries < 1: raise ValueError("tries must be larger than 0") push_tuples = list(push_tuples) # confusing, but failed_pts needs an initial value failed_pts = list(push_tuples) for i in range(tries):"Pushing, attempt {}/{}".format(i + 1, tries)) failed_urls = set(_push_no_retry(failed_pts)) failed_pts = [pt for pt in failed_pts if pt.repo_url in failed_urls] if not failed_pts: break plug.log.warning("{} pushes failed ...".format(len(failed_pts))) successful_pts = [pt for pt in push_tuples if pt not in failed_pts] return successful_pts, failed_pts
def _batch_execution( batch_func: Callable[..., Awaitable], arg_list: Iterable[Any], *batch_func_args, **batch_func_kwargs, ) -> Sequence[Exception]: """Take a batch function (any function whos first argument is an iterable) and send in send in CONCURRENT_TASKS amount of arguments from the arg_list until it is exhausted. The batch_func_kwargs are provided on each call. Args: batch_func: A function that takes an iterable as a first argument and returns a list of asyncio.Task objects. arg_list: A list of objects that are of the same type as the batch_func's first argument. batch_func_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to the batch_func. Returns: a list of exceptions raised in the tasks returned by the batch function. """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete( _batch_execution_async( batch_func, arg_list, *batch_func_args, **batch_func_kwargs ) ) async def _batch_execution_async( batch_func: Callable[..., Awaitable], arg_list: Iterable[Any], *batch_func_args, **batch_func_kwargs, ) -> Sequence[Exception]: import tqdm.asyncio # type: ignore exceptions = [] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() for batch, args_chunk in enumerate( more_itertools.ichunked(arg_list, CONCURRENT_TASKS), start=1 ): tasks = [ loop.create_task( batch_func(arg, *batch_func_args, **batch_func_kwargs) ) for arg in args_chunk ] for coro in tqdm.asyncio.tqdm_asyncio.as_completed( tasks, desc=f"Progress batch {batch}", file=sys.stdout, ): try: await coro except exception.GitError as exc: exceptions.append(exc) for e in exceptions: plug.log.error(str(e)) return exceptions
[docs]def active_branch(repo_path: pathlib.Path) -> str: """Get the active branch from the given repo. Args: repo_path: Path to a repo. Returns: The active branch of the repo. """ return git.Repo(repo_path)