
RepoBee does not have to be configured as all arguments can be provided on the command line, but doing so becomes very tedious, very quickly. It’s typically a good idea to at least configure the Access token, as well as the GitHub base url (for the API) and your GitHub username (see Configuration file).


The RepoBee User Guide expects there to be a configuration file as described in Getting started.

Access token

For repobee to work at all, it needs a Personal Access Token. See the GitHub access token docs for how to create a token. Make sure that it has the repo and admin:org scopes. There are two ways to hand the token to repobee:

  1. Put it in the REPOBEE_TOKEN environment variable. - On a unix system, this is as simple as export REPOBEE_TOKEN=<YOUR_TOKEN>

  2. Put it in the configuration file (see Configuration file).

Configuration file

An optional configuration file can be added, specifying defaults for several of the most frequently used cli options line options. This is especially useful for teachers ant TAs who are managing repos for a single course (and, as a consequence, a single organization).

base_url = https://some-api-v3-url


If the configuration file exists, it must contain the [repobee] header. This is to minimize the risk of misconfiguration by novice users.

To find out where to place the configuration file (and what to name it), run repobee show-config. The configuration file can also be used to configure repobee plugins. See the Installing plugins (the install action) section for more details.


Do note that the configuration file contains only default values. Specifying any of the parameters on the command line will override the configuration file’s values.


You can run repobee verify-settings to verify the basic configuration. This will check the most important settings configurable in repobee.