Source code for repobee_plug.platform

# mypy: ignore-errors
"""Platform API specifications and wrappers.

.. module:: platform
    :synopsis: Platform API specifications and wrappers.
import dataclasses
import inspect
import enum
import itertools
from typing import List, Iterable, Optional, Any

from repobee_plug import exceptions

[docs]class APIObject: """Base wrapper class for platform API objects.""" def __getattribute__(self, name: str): """If the sought attr is 'implementation', and that attribute is None, an AttributeError should be raise. This is because there should never be a case where the caller tries to access a None implementation: if it's None the caller should now without checking, as only API objects returned by platform API (i.e. a class deriving from :py:class:`API`) can have a reasonable value for the implementation attribute. In all other cases, proceed as usual in getting the attribute. This includes the case when ``name == "implementation"``, and the APIObject does not have that attribute. """ attr = object.__getattribute__(self, name) if attr is None and name == "implementation": raise AttributeError( "invalid access to 'implementation': not initialized" ) return attr
[docs]class TeamPermission(enum.Enum): """Enum specifying team permissions on creating teams. On GitHub, for example, this can be e.g. `push` or `pull`. """ PUSH = "push" PULL = "pull"
[docs]class IssueState(enum.Enum): """Enum specifying a possible issue state.""" OPEN = "open" CLOSED = "closed" ALL = "all"
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Team(APIObject): """Wrapper class for a Team API object.""" members: Iterable[str] = dataclasses.field(compare=False) name: str = dataclasses.field(compare=True) id: Any = dataclasses.field(compare=False) implementation: Any = dataclasses.field(compare=False, repr=False) def __post_init__(self): object.__setattr__(self, "members", [m.lower() for m in self.members]) def __str__(self): return def __lt__(self, o): return isinstance(o, Team) and < def __eq__(self, o): return isinstance(o, Team) and ==
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class Issue(APIObject): """Wrapper class for an Issue API object.""" title: str body: str number: Optional[int] = None created_at: Optional[str] = None author: Optional[str] = None state: Optional[IssueState] = None implementation: Optional[Any] = dataclasses.field( compare=False, repr=False, default=None ) def __post_init__(self): object.__setattr__( self, "author", if is not None else None, )
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of this namedtuple, without the ``implementation`` field. """ asdict = { "title": self.title, "body": self.body, "number": self.number, "created_at": self.created_at, "author":, } return asdict
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(asdict: dict) -> "Issue": """Take a dictionary produced by Issue.to_dict and reconstruct the corresponding instance. The ``implementation`` field is lost in a to_dict -> from_dict roundtrip. """ return Issue(**asdict)
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class Repo(APIObject): """Wrapper class for a Repo API object.""" name: str description: str private: bool url: str implementation: Any = dataclasses.field(compare=False, repr=False)
class _APISpec: """Wrapper class for API method stubs. .. important:: This class should not be inherited from directly, it serves only to document the behavior of a platform API. Classes that implement this behavior should inherit from :py:class:`PlatformAPI`. """ def __init__(self, base_url, token, org_name, user): _not_implemented() def create_team( self, name: str, members: Optional[List[str]] = None, permission: TeamPermission = TeamPermission.PUSH, ) -> Team: """Create a team on the platform. Args: name: Name of the team. members: A list of usernames to assign as members to this team. Usernames that don't exist are ignored. permission: The permission the team should have in regards to repository access. Returns: The created team. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform, in particular if the team already exists. """ _not_implemented() def delete_team(self, team: Team) -> None: """Delete the provided team. Args: team: The team to delete. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def get_teams( self, team_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> Iterable[Team]: """Get teams from the platform. Args: team_names: Team names to filter by. Names that do not exist on the platform are ignored. If ``team_names=None``, all teams are fetched. Returns: Teams matching the filters. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def assign_repo( self, team: Team, repo: Repo, permission: TeamPermission ) -> None: """Assign a repository to a team, granting any members of the team permission to access the repository according to the specified permission. Args: team: The team to assign the repository to. repo: The repository to assign to the team. permission: The permission granted to the team's members with respect to accessing the repository. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def assign_members( self, team: Team, members: Iterable[str], permission: TeamPermission = TeamPermission.PUSH, ) -> None: """Assign members to a team. Args: team: A team to assign members to. members: A list of usernames to assign as members to the team. Usernames that don't exist are ignored. permission: The permission to add users with. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def create_repo( self, name: str, description: str, private: bool, team: Optional[Team] = None, ) -> Repo: """Create a repository. If the repository already exists, it is fetched instead of created. This somewhat unintuitive behavior is to speed up repository creation, as first checking if the repository exists can be a bit inconvenient and/or inefficient depending on the platform. Args: name: Name of the repository. description: Description of the repository. private: Visibility of the repository. team: The team the repository belongs to. Returns: The created (or fetched) repository. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def delete_repo(self, repo: Repo) -> None: """Delete a repository. Args: repo: The repository to delete. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def get_repos( self, repo_urls: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> Iterable[Repo]: """Get repositories from the platform. Args: repo_urls: Repository URLs to filter the results by. URLs that do not exist on the platform are ignored. If ``repo_urls=None``, all repos are fetched. Returns: Repositories matching the filters. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def get_repo(self, repo_name: str, team_name: Optional[str]) -> Repo: """Get a single repository. Args: repo_name: Name of the repository to fetch. team_name: Name of the team that owns the repository. If ``None``, the repository is assumed to belong to the target organization. Returns: The fetched repository. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform, in particular if the repo or team does not exist. """ _not_implemented() def insert_auth(self, url: str) -> str: """Insert authorization token into the provided URL. Args: url: A URL to the platform. Returns: The same url, but with authorization credentials inserted. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.InvalidURL`: If the provided URL does not point to anything on the platform. """ _not_implemented() def create_issue( self, title: str, body: str, repo: Repo, assignees: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> Issue: """Create an issue in the provided repository. Args: title: Title of the issue. body: Body of the issue. repo: The repository in which to open the issue. assignees: Usernames to assign to the issue. Returns: The created issue. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def close_issue(self, issue: Issue) -> None: """Close the provided issue. Args: issue: The issue to close. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def get_team_repos(self, team: Team) -> Iterable[Repo]: """Get all repos related to a team. Args: team: The team to fetch repos from. Returns: The repos related to the provided team. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def get_repo_issues(self, repo: Repo) -> Iterable[Issue]: """Get all issues related to a repo. Args: repo: The repo to fetch issues from. Returns: The issues related to the provided repo. Raises: :py:class:`exceptions.PlatformError`: If something goes wrong in communicating with the platform. """ _not_implemented() def get_repo_urls( self, assignment_names: Iterable[str], org_name: Optional[str] = None, team_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, insert_auth: bool = False, ) -> List[str]: """Get repo urls for all specified repo names in the organization. As checking if every single repo actually exists takes a long time with a typical REST API, this function does not in general guarantee that the urls returned actually correspond to existing repos. If the ``org_name`` argument is supplied, urls are computed relative to that organization. If it is not supplied, the target organization is used. If the `teams` argument is supplied, student repo urls are computed instead of master repo urls. Args: assignment_names: A list of master repository names. org_name: Organization in which repos are expected. Defaults to the target organization of the API instance. team_names: A list of team names specifying student groups. Returns: a list of urls corresponding to the repo names. """ _not_implemented() def extract_repo_name(self, repo_url: str) -> str: """Extract a repo name from the provided url. Args: repo_url: A URL to a repository. Returns: The name of the repository corresponding to the url. """ _not_implemented() def for_organization(self, org_name: str) -> "PlatformAPI": """Create a copy of this API instance, targeting the given organization. Args: org_name: Name of the organization to target. Returns: A copy of the receiver API, but targeting the provided organization. """ _not_implemented() @staticmethod def verify_settings( user: str, org_name: str, base_url: str, token: str, template_org_name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Verify the following (to the extent that is possible and makes sense for the specific platform): 0. An internet connection is available 1. Base url is correct 2. The token has sufficient access privileges 3. Target organization (specifiend by ``org_name``) exists - If template_org_name is supplied, this is also checked to exist. 4. User is owner in organization (verify by getting - If template_org_name is supplied, user is also checked to be an owner of it. organization member list and checking roles) Should raise an appropriate subclass of :py:class:`~repobee_plug.PlatformError` when a problem is encountered. Args: user: The username to try to fetch. org_name: Name of the target organization. base_url: A base url to a github API. token: A secure OAUTH2 token. org_name: Name of the master organization. Returns: True if the connection is well formed. Raises: :py:class:`~repobee_plug.PlatformError` """ _not_implemented() def _not_implemented(): raise NotImplementedError( "The chosen API does not currently support this functionality" )
[docs]def methods(attrdict): """Return all public methods and __init__ for some class.""" return { name: method for name, method in attrdict.items() if callable(method) and (not name.startswith("_") or name == "__init__") }
[docs]def parameters(function): """Extract parameter names and default arguments from a function.""" return [ (, param.default) for param in inspect.signature(function).parameters.values() ]
[docs]def check_init_params(reference_params, compare_params): """Check that the compare __init__'s parameters are a subset of the reference class's version. """ extra = set(compare_params) - set(reference_params) if extra: raise exceptions.APIImplementationError( f"unexpected arguments to __init__: {extra}" )
[docs]def check_parameters(reference, compare): """Check if the parameters match, one by one. Stop at the first diff and raise an exception for that parameter. An exception is made for __init__, for which the compare may be a subset of the reference in no particular order. """ reference_params = parameters(reference) compare_params = parameters(compare) if reference.__name__ == "__init__": check_init_params(reference_params, compare_params) return for ref, cmp in itertools.zip_longest(reference_params, compare_params): if ref != cmp: raise exceptions.APIImplementationError( f"{reference.__name__}: expected parameter '{ref}', found '{cmp}'" )
class _APIMeta(type): """Metaclass for an API implementation. All public methods must be a specified api method, but all api methods do not need to be implemented. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrdict): api_methods = methods(_APISpec.__dict__) implemented_methods = methods(attrdict) non_api_methods = set(implemented_methods.keys()) - set( api_methods.keys() ) if non_api_methods: raise exceptions.APIImplementationError( f"non-API methods may not be public: {non_api_methods}" ) for method_name, method in api_methods.items(): if method_name in implemented_methods: check_parameters(method, implemented_methods[method_name]) return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrdict)
[docs]class PlatformAPI(_APISpec, metaclass=_APIMeta): """API base class that all API implementations should inherit from. This class functions similarly to an abstract base class, but with a few key distinctions that affect the inheriting class. 1. Public methods *must* override one of the public methods of :py:class:`_APISpec`. If an inheriting class defines any other public method, an :py:class:`~repobee_plug.PlatformError` is raised when the class is defined. 2. All public methods in :py:class:`_APISpec` have a default implementation that simply raise a :py:class:`NotImplementedError`. There is no requirement to implement any of them. """