Source code for repobee_testhelpers.funcs

"""Helper functions for tests."""

import tempfile
import pathlib
import shutil
import shlex
import contextlib
from typing import Mapping, List, Union, Iterator

import git  # type: ignore

import repobee

import repobee_plug as plug

from repobee_testhelpers import localapi
from repobee_testhelpers import const

[docs] def initialize_repo( path: pathlib.Path, default_branch: str = "master" ) -> git.Repo: """Initialize the directory to a Git repo and commit all files in it. Args: path: Path to the directory to turn into a Git repository. default_branch: Name of the default branch to use. Returns: A repo. """ repo = git.Repo.init(path) repo.git.config("", const.TEACHER) repo.git.config("", f"{const.TEACHER}") repo.git.checkout("-b", default_branch) repo.git.add(".", "--force") repo.git.commit("-m", "Initial commit") return repo
[docs] def hash_directory(dirpath: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> str: """Compute the directory hash using Git. Args: dirpath: Path to a directory. Returns: The hash of the root tree of the directory. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: target_dir = pathlib.Path(tmpdir) / "repo" shutil.copytree(dirpath, target_dir) if (target_dir / ".git").exists(): shutil.rmtree(target_dir / ".git") repo = initialize_repo(target_dir) return repo.head.commit.tree.hexsha
[docs] def run_repobee( cmd: Union[str, List[str]], **kwargs ) -> Mapping[str, List[plug.Result]]: """Helper function to call :py:class:`` when using the :py:class:`fakeapi.FakeAPI` platform API. This function will by default use a config file that sets appropriate values for ``students_file``, ``user``, ``org_name`` and ``template_org_name`` for use with the :py:class:`~fakeapi.FakeAPI` platform API. If you wish to use a different config, simply pass ``config_file="/path/to/your/config"`` to the function, or ``config_file=""`` to not use a config file at all. The :py:class:`~fakeapi.FakeAPI` plugin is always loaded last, so it is the not possible to use another platform API with this function. If you wish to do so, you should use :py:class`` directly instead. Args: cmd: A string or list of strings with a RepoBee command. kwargs: Keyword arguments for :py:func:``. Returns: The results mapping returned by :py:func:`` """ cmd = shlex.split(cmd) if isinstance(cmd, str) else cmd kwargs = dict(kwargs) # copy to not mutate input plugins = (kwargs.get("plugins") or []) + [localapi] kwargs["plugins"] = plugins students_file = ( pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "students.txt" ) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: config_file = pathlib.Path( config_file.write_text( f"""[repobee] students_file = {students_file} org_name = {const.TARGET_ORG_NAME} user = {const.TEACHER} template_org_name = {const.TEMPLATE_ORG_NAME} token = {const.TOKEN} """ ) kwargs.setdefault("config_file", config_file) return, **kwargs)
[docs] def template_repo_hashes() -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get hashes for the template repos. Returns: A mapping (template_repo_name -> hash) """ return { hash_directory(path) for path in map( lambda name: const.TEMPLATE_REPO_DIR / name, const.TEMPLATE_REPO_NAMES, ) }
[docs] def tree_hash(repo_root: pathlib.Path) -> str: """Get the hash of the HEAD tree object of this repository. Args: repo_root: Path to the root of a Git repository. Returns: The hash of the root tree object. """ repo = git.Repo(repo_root) return repo.head.commit.tree.hexsha
[docs] def get_api( platform_url: str, org_name: str = const.TARGET_ORG_NAME, user: str = const.TEACHER, token: str = const.TOKEN, ) -> localapi.LocalAPI: """Return an instance of the :py:class:`fakeapi.FakeAPI`, configured for the tests. """ return localapi.LocalAPI( base_url=platform_url, user=user, org_name=org_name, token=token )
[docs] def get_repos( platform_url: str, org_name: str = const.TARGET_ORG_NAME ) -> List[localapi.Repo]: """Get all repos from the given platform and organization. Args: platform_url: URL to the directory used by the :py:class:`fakeapi.FakeAPI`. org_name: The organization to get repos from. Returns: A list of fake repos. """ api = get_api(platform_url, org_name=org_name) return list(api._repos[org_name].values())
[docs] def get_teams( platform_url: str, org_name: str = const.TARGET_ORG_NAME ) -> List[localapi.Team]: """Get all of the teams from the given platform and organization. Note that this returns the actual platform implementation of :py:class:`~repobee_plug.Team`. Args: platform_url: URL to the directory used by the :py:class:`fakeapi.FakeAPI`. org_name: The organization to get repos from. Returns: A list of platform teams. """ api = get_api(platform_url, org_name=org_name) return list(api._teams[org_name].values())
[docs] def get_student_teams( platform_url: str, org_name: str = const.TARGET_ORG_NAME ) -> List[plug.StudentTeam]: """Like :py:func:`get_platform_teams`, but converts each team to a :py:class:`~repobee_plug.StudentTeam`. for easier comparison. Args: platform_url: URL to the directory used by the :py:class:`fakeapi.FakeAPI`. org_name: The organization to get repos from. Returns: A list of student teams. """ api = get_api(platform_url, org_name=org_name) return [ plug.StudentTeam(, members=[usr.username for usr in team.members] ) for team in api._teams[org_name].values() ]
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def update_repository(repo_url: str) -> Iterator[pathlib.Path]: """Context manager for updating a Git repository. Clones the repository from the given url, yields the path to the cloned directory, and then commits and pushes any changes after the context has been exited. Args: repo_url: URL to a Git repository. Returns: A context manager that yields a path to the local repository. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: repo_path = pathlib.Path(tmpdir) / "repo" repo = git.Repo.clone_from(repo_url, to_path=repo_path) yield repo_path repo.git.add(".") repo.git.commit("-m", "Update repo") repo.git.push()