Managing peer review (the reviews category)

Peer reviewing is an important part of a programming curriculum, so of course RepoBee facilitates this! Like much of the other functionality in RepoBee, the peer review functionality is built around indirect access through teams with limited access privileges. In short, every student repo up for review gets an associated peer review team generated, which has pull access to the repo. Each student then gets added to 0 < N < num_students peer review teams, and are to open a peer review issue in the associated repos. This is at least the the default. See Selecting peer review allocation algorithm for other available review allocation schemes.

Getting started with peer reviews (the assign action)

The bulk of the work is performed by the reviews assign. Most of its arguments it has in common with the other commands of RepoBee. The only non-standard arguments are --issue and --num-reviews, the former of which we’ve actually already seen in the issues open command (see Opening Issues (the open action)). We will assume that both --base-url and --org-name are already configured (if you don’t know what this means, have a look at Configure RepoBee for the target organization (the config category)). Thus, the only things we must specify are --students/--students-file and --num-reviews (--issue is optional, more on that later). Let’s make a minimal call with the assign action, and then inspect the log output to figure out what happened. Recall that students.txt lists our three favorite students slarse, glassey and glennol (see Set up student repositories (the setup action)).

$ repobee reviews assign -a task-1 --sf students.txt --num-reviews 2

# Output nabbed from the log file, this will not appear on stdout

# step 1
[INFO] Created team slarse-task-1-review
[INFO] Created team glennol-task-1-review
[INFO] Created team glassey-task-1-review
# step 2
[INFO] Adding members glennol, glassey to team slarse-task-1-review
[INFO] Adding members glassey, slarse to team glennol-task-1-review
[INFO] Adding members slarse, glennol to team glassey-task-1-review
# steps 3 and 4, interleaved
[INFO] Opened issue glennol-task-1/#1-'Peer review'
[INFO] Adding team glennol-task-1-review to repo glennol-task-1 with 'pull' permission
[INFO] Opened issue glassey-task-1/#2-'Peer review'
[INFO] Adding team glassey-task-1-review to repo glassey-task-1 with 'pull' permission
[INFO] Opened issue slarse-task-1/#2-'Peer review'
[INFO] Adding team slarse-task-1-review to repo slarse-task-1 with 'pull' permission

The following steps were performed:

  1. One review team per repo was created (<student>-task-1-review).

  2. Two students were added to each review team. Note that these allocations are _random_. For obvious reasons, there can be at most num_students-1 peer reviews per repo. So, in this case, we are at the maximum.

  3. An issue was opened in each repo with the title Peer review, and a body saying something like You should peer review this repo.. The review team students were assigned to the issue as well (although this is not apparent from the logging).

  4. The review teams were added to their corresponding repos with pull permission. This permission allows members of the team to view the repo and open issues, but they can’t push to (and therefore can’t modify) the repo.

That’s it for the basic functionality. The intent is that students should open an issue in every repo they are to peer review, with a specific title. The issues can then be searched by title, and the check action can find which students have opened issues in the repositories they’ve been assigned to review. Now, let’s talk a bit about that --issue argument.


Assigning peer reviews gives the reviewers read-access to the repos they are to review. This means that if you use issues to communicate grades/feedback to your students, the reviewers will also see this feedback! It is therefore important to remove the peer review teams (see Cleaning up with (then end action)).

Specifying a custom issue

The default issue is really meant to be replaced with something more specific to the course and assignment. For example, say that there were five tasks in the task-1 repo, and the students should review tasks 2 and 3 based on some criteria. It would then be beneficial to specify this in the peer review issue, so we’ll write up our own little issue to replace the default one. Remember that the first line is taken to be the title, in exactly the same way as issue files are treated in Opening Issues (the open action).

Review of task-1

Hello! The students assigned to this issue have been tasked to review this
repo. Each of you should open _one_ issue with the title `Peer review` and
the following content:

## Task 2
### Code style
Comments on code style, such as readability and general formatting.

### Time complexity
Is the algorithm O(n)? If not, try to figure out what time complexity it is
and point out what could have been done better.

## Task 3
### Code style
Comments on code style, such as readability and general formatting.

Assuming the file was saved as, we can now run the command specifying the issue like this:

$ repobee reviews assign -a task-1 --sf students.txt --num-reviews 2 --issue

This will have the same effect as last time, but with the custom issue being opened instead.

Checking review progress (the check action)

The check action provides a quick and easy way of checking which students have performed their reviews. You provide it with the same information that you do for assign, but additionally also provide a regex to match against issue titles. The command then finds all of the associated review teams, and checks which students have opened issues with matching titles in their allotted repositories. Of course, this says nothing about the content of those issues: it only checks that the issues have been opened at all. --num-reviews is also required here, as it is used as an expected value for how many reviews each student should be assigned to review. It is a simple but fairly effective way of detecting if students have simply left their review teams. Here’s an example call:

$ repobee reviews check -a task-1 --sf students.txt --num-reviews 2 --title-regex '\APeer review\Z'
reviewer        num done        num remaining   repos remaining
glennol         0               2               glassey-task-1,slarse-task-1
slarse          2               0
glassey         0               2               glennol-task-1,slarse-task-1

The output is color-coded in the terminal, making it easier to parse. We make use of this when doing peer reviews in a classroom settings, as it allows us to quickly check which students are done without having to ask them out loud every five minutes. The next command lets you clean up review teams and thereby revoke reviewers’ read access once reviews are over and done with.


Use the issues list command with the --title-regex (with a regex matching the review issue title) and --show-body options to actually check the contents of the students’ review issues.

Cleaning up with (then end action)

The one downside of using teams for access privileges is that we bloat the organization with a ton of teams. Once the deadline has passed and all peer reviews are done, there is little reason to keep them. It can also often be a good idea to revoke the reviewers’ access to reviewed repos if you yourself plan to provide feedback on the issue tracker, so as not to let the reviewers see it. Therefore, the end action can be used to remove all peer review teams for a given set of student repos, both cleaning up the organization and revoking reviewers’ read access. Let’s say that we’re completely done with the peer reviews of task-1, and want to remove the review teams. It’s as simple as:

$ repobee reviews end -a task-1 --sf students.txt
# Progress bars will show how many teams have been deleted thus far


The end action deletes review allocations created by assign. This is an irreversible action. You cannot run check after running end for any given set of student repos, and there is no functionality for retrieving deleted review allocations. Only use end when reviews are truly done, and you have collected what results you need. If being able to backup and restore review allocations is something you need, please open an issue with a feature request on the issue tracker.

And that’s it, the review teams are gone. If you also want to close the related issues, you can simply use the issues close command for that (see Closing Issues (the close action)). The end action plays one more important role; if you mess something up when assigning the peer reviews. The next section details how you can deal with such a scenario.

Messing up and getting back on track

Let’s say you messed something up with allocating the peer reviews. For example, if you left out a student, there is no easy way to rectify the allocations such that that student is included. Let’s say we did just that, and forgot to include the student cabbage in the reviews for task-1 back at Getting started with peer reviews (the assign action). We then do the following:

  1. Check if any reviews have already been posted. This can easily be performed with repobee reviews check -a task-1 --sf students.txt -r '^Peer review$' --num-reviews 2 (assuming the naming conventions were followed!). Take appropriate action if you find any reviews already posted (appropriate being anything you see fit to alleviate the situation of affected students possibly being assigned new repos to review).

  2. Delete the review teams with repobee reviews end -a task-1 --sf students.txt

  3. Close all review issues with repobee issues close -a task-1 --sf students.txt -r '^Review of task-1$'

  4. Create a new file apologetically explaining that you messed up:

Review of task-1 (for real this time!)

Sorry, I messed up with the allocations previously. Disregard the previous
allocations (repo access has been revoked anyway).
  1. Assign peer reviews again, with the new issue, with repobee reviews assign -a task-1 --sf students.txt --num-reviews 2 --issue

And that’s it! Disaster averted.

Selecting peer review allocation algorithm

The default allocation algorithm is as described in Managing peer review (the reviews category), and is suitable for when reviewers do not need to interact with the students whom they review. This is however not always the case, sometimes it is beneficial for reviewers to to interact with reviewees (is that a word?), especially if the peer review is done in the classroom. Because of this, RepoBee also provides a _pairwise_ allocation scheme, which allocates reviews such that if student A reviews student B, then student B reviews student A (except for an A->B->C->A kind of deal in one group if there are an odd amount of students). This implemented as a plugin, so to run with this scheme, you add -p pairwise in front of the command.

$ repobee -p pairwise reviews assign -a task-1 --sf students.txt

Note that the pairwise algorithm ignores the --num-reviews argument, and will issue a warning if this is set (to anything but 1, but you should just not specify it). For more details on plugins in RepoBee, see Plugins for RepoBee (the plugin category).

Double-blind peer review

RepoBee 3.6 adds experimental support for double-blind peer review. The user experience is not finalized, but the functionality is all there. This section provides a walkthrough for how to assign double-blind peer review. It assumes that you’ve read through the prior sections of the peer review documentation.


The general idea of the double-blind peer review is to assign reviewers to review copies of their peers’ repositories. The whole procedure is something like this:

  1. reviews assign Create copies of all student repositories under review and assign reviewers to them

    • The commit history is anonymized

    • The repository name is anonymized

  2. reviews check Verify that students have performed their reviews

  3. issues list Collect reviews from anonymous repos and store them locally

  4. issues open Distribute anonymously submitted reviews to original repositories

    • They are opened with your user account, so as long as reviewers haven’t put their names in the reviews they will be anonymous!

  5. (Optional) reviews end Delete repo copies and associated review teams

    • Always run issues list to collect the reviews before running reviews end, or all reviews will be lost!

As you may note, this is the same sequence of commands as for no-blind review, except that issues list and issues open are sprinkled into the middle. Usage of all commands shown is as usual, with they key exception that you’ll be providing them with a secret key for the anonymization.

Double-blind reviews assign

I order to run reviews assign in double-blind mode, all you need to do in addition to the no-blind usage is to supply the --double-blind-key argument.

Assigning double-blind reviews
$ repobee reviews assign -a task-1 --sf students.txt --double-blind-key SUPER_SECRET_KEY

The key is a secret, do not share it with the students. After assigning reviews with a given key, you must also remember or otherwise store that key until those reviews are closed, or you will be unable to interact with the anonymous repos.


The double-blind key is a secret. Given the key, all repositories can be deanonymized.


For each review, you must remember or store the key until reviews are closed. Otherwise, you can’t deanonymize the repos, and consequently can’t collect and distribute reviews.


If you run double-blind reviews assign for with --num-reviews larger than 1, reviewers reviewing the same repository will be able to see each others’ reviews.

Double-blind reviews check

Just like with reviews assign, the only thing you need to add in addition to normal usage is the --double-blind-key argument.

Checking the status of double-blind reviews
$ repobee reviews check \
    --assignments task-1 \
    --sf students.txt \
    --num-reviews 1 \
    --title-regex '\APeer review\Z' \
    --double-blind-key SUPER_SECRET_KEY

The repositories are deanonymized, and the output looks precisely like that of no-blind review. Needless to say, your students should not be shown this output.

SUPER_SECRET_KEY must match the key you supplied to reviews assign.

Collecting double-blind reviews with issues list

Once you’ve verified that the students have performed their reviews with reviews check, you can collect reviews with issues list. Here, you need to specify two arguments out of the ordinary: --double-blind-key with your secret key, as well as --hook-results-file to store the issues locally. To collect only the reviews, with title “Peer review”, the command could look like so.

Collecting double-blind review issues
$ repobee issues list \
    --assignments task-1 \
    --sf students.txt \
    --title-regex '\APeer review\Z' \
    --hook-results-file results.json \
    --double-blind-key SUPER_SECRET_KEY

By specifying the title regex your students use for review, you don’t collect the instructions. If you’d like to also collect and distribute the instructions to the original repos, you can either use a carefully crafted regex for it, or simply provide the empty strigle (i.e. --title-regex ""), which will match any issue.

Note that you can now also browse the reviews before distribution by viewing the results.json file.

Distributing double-blind reviews with issues open

In order for students to actually be able to read the reviews by their peers, the issues need to be distributed to the original repos. To do this, execute issues open as per usual, but supply --hook-results-file instead of --issue.

Distributing double-blind reviews from a hook results file
$ repobee issues open \
    --assignments task-1 \
    --sf students.txt \
    --hook-results-file results.json

Note that you do not need the key here: the issues in the hook results file are already deanonymized.

Double-blind reviews end


If using GitHub, your access token must have the delete_repo scope in order to run this command.

reviews end is a cleanup command. When doing no-blind peer review, it’s often necessary to run it as students otherwise maintain read access to their peers’ repositories, and may then be able to view feedback from teachers or TAs. With double-blind reviews, this isn’t the case as the reviewers only get access to copies of the reviewed repositories. However, it does leave quite a mess of repositories and review teams with strange names, so cleaning up may be desirable. If you want to do that, simply run reviews end and supply your key.

Ending double-blind reviews
$ repobee reviews end \
    --assignments task-1 \
    --sf students.txt \
    --double-blind-key SUPER_SECRET_KEY


Running reviews end irrevocably destroys all traces of the reviews, including deleting the anonymous repositories and review teams. Make sure to collect reviews with issues list before doing this.

And that’s pretty much all there is to double-blind review with RepoBee!