Source code for _repobee.ext.configwizard

"""A plugin that adds the ``config-wizard`` command to RepoBee. It runs through
a short configuration wizard that lets the user set RepoBee's defaults.

.. module:: configwizard
    :synopsis: Plugin that adds a configuration wizard to RepoBee.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén
import argparse
import configparser
import sys
import os

import daiquiri
import repobee_plug as plug

from _repobee import constants

LOGGER = daiquiri.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]def callback(args: argparse.Namespace, api: plug.API) -> None: """Run through a configuration wizard.""" parser = configparser.ConfigParser() if constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE.exists(): LOGGER.warning( "A configuration file was found at {}".format( str(constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) ) ) LOGGER.warning( "Continuing this wizard will OVERWRITE any options you enter " "values for" ) if input("Continue anyway? (yes/no): ") != "yes":"User-prompted exit") return os.makedirs( str(constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE.parent), mode=0o700, exist_ok=True ) if constants.DEFAULTS_SECTION_HDR not in parser: parser.add_section(constants.DEFAULTS_SECTION_HDR)"Welcome to the configuration wizard!")"Type defaults for the options when prompted.")"Press ENTER to end an option.") "Press ENTER without inputing a value to pick existing " "default, or skip if no default exists." )"Current defaults are shown in brackets [].") for option in constants.ORDERED_CONFIGURABLE_ARGS: prompt = "Enter default for '{}': [{}] ".format( option, parser[constants.DEFAULTS_SECTION_HDR].get(option, "") ) default = input(prompt) if default: parser[constants.DEFAULTS_SECTION_HDR][option] = default with open( str(constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE), "w", encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding(), ) as f: parser.write(f) "Configuration file written to {}".format( str(constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) ) )
@plug.repobee_hook def create_extension_command(): parser = plug.ExtensionParser() return plug.ExtensionCommand( parser=parser, name="config-wizard", help="Interactive configuration wizard to set up the config file.", description=( "A configuration wizard that sets up the configuration file." "Warns if there already is a configuration file, as it will be " "overwritten." ), callback=callback, )