Source code for _repobee.main

"""Main entrypoint for the repobee CLI application.

.. module:: main
    :synopsis: Main entrypoint for the repobee CLI application.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén

import argparse
import contextlib
import io
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import sys
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Mapping
from types import ModuleType

import repobee_plug as plug

import _repobee.cli.dispatch
import _repobee.cli.parsing
import _repobee.cli.preparser
import _repobee.cli.mainparser
import _repobee.constants
from _repobee import plugin
from _repobee import exception
from _repobee import config
from _repobee.cli.preparser import separate_args
from _repobee import distinfo
from _repobee import disthelpers

_PRE_INIT_ERROR_MESSAGE = """exception was raised before pre-initialization was
complete. This is usually due to incorrect settings.
Try running the `verify-settings` command and see if
the problem can be resolved. If all fails, please open
an issue at
and supply the stack trace below.""".replace(
    "\n", " "

[docs]def run( cmd: List[str], config_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = "", plugins: Optional[List[Union[ModuleType, plug.Plugin]]] = None, workdir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = ".", ) -> Mapping[str, List[plug.Result]]: """Run RepoBee with the provided options. This function is mostly intended to be used for testing plugins. .. important:: This function will always unregister all plugins after execution, including anly plugins that may have been registered prior to running this function. Running this function is almost equivalent to running RepoBee from the CLI, with the following exceptions: 1. Preparser options must be passed as arguments to this function (i.e. cannot be given as part of ``cmd``). 2. There is no error handling at the top level, so exceptions are raised instead of just logged. As an example, the following CLI call: .. code-block:: bash $ repobee --plug --config-file config.ini config show Can be executed as follows: .. code-block:: python import ext from repobee import run run(["config", "show"], config_file="config.ini", plugins=[ext]) Args: cmd: The command to run. config_file: Path to the configuration file. plugins: A list of plugin modules and/or plugin classes. workdir: The working directory to run RepoBee in. Returns: A mapping (plugin_name -> plugin_results). """ config_file = pathlib.Path(config_file) requested_workdir = pathlib.Path(str(workdir)).resolve(strict=True) def _ensure_is_module(p: Union[ModuleType, plug.Plugin]): if isinstance(p, type) and issubclass(p, plug.Plugin): mod = ModuleType(p.__name__.lower()) mod.__package__ = f"__{p.__name__}" setattr(mod, p.__name__, p) return mod elif isinstance(p, ModuleType): return p else: raise TypeError(f"not plugin or module: {p}") wrapped_plugins = list(map(_ensure_is_module, plugins or [])) with _in_workdir(requested_workdir): try: _repobee.cli.parsing.setup_logging() # FIXME calling _initialize_plugins like this is ugly, should be # refactored _initialize_plugins(argparse.Namespace(no_plugins=False, plug=[])) plugin.register_plugins(wrapped_plugins) parsed_args, api = _parse_args(cmd, config_file) with _set_output_verbosity(getattr(parsed_args, "quiet", 0)): return _repobee.cli.dispatch.dispatch_command( parsed_args, api, config_file ) finally: plugin.unregister_all_plugins()
def main( sys_args: List[str], unload_plugins: bool = True, workdir: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(".").resolve(), ): """Start the repobee CLI. Args: sys_args: Arguments from the command line. unload_plugins: If True, plugins are automatically unloaded just before the function returns. workdir: The working directory to operate in. """ try: with _in_workdir(workdir): _main(sys_args, unload_plugins) except plug.PlugError: plug.log.error("A plugin exited with an error") sys.exit(1) except Exception: plug.log.error( "RepoBee exited unexpectedly. " "Please visit the FAQ to try to resolve the problem: " "" ) sys.exit(1) def _main(sys_args: List[str], unload_plugins: bool = True): _repobee.cli.parsing.setup_logging() args = sys_args[1:] # drop the name of the program traceback = False pre_init = True try: preparser_args, app_args = separate_args(args) parsed_preparser_args = _repobee.cli.preparser.parse_args( preparser_args, default_config_file=_resolve_config_file() ) _initialize_plugins(parsed_preparser_args) parsed_args, api = _parse_args( app_args, parsed_preparser_args.config_file ) traceback = parsed_args.traceback pre_init = False with _set_output_verbosity(getattr(parsed_args, "quiet", 0)): _repobee.cli.dispatch.dispatch_command( parsed_args, api, parsed_preparser_args.config_file ) except exception.PluginLoadError as exc: plug.log.error(f"{exc.__class__.__name__}: {exc}") raise except exception.ParseError as exc: plug.log.error(str(exc)) raise except Exception as exc: # FileErrors can occur during pre-init because of reading the config # and we don't want tracebacks for those (afaik at this time) if traceback or ( pre_init and not isinstance(exc, exception.FileError) ): plug.log.error(str(exc)) if pre_init: plug.echo(_PRE_INIT_ERROR_MESSAGE) plug.log.exception("Critical exception") else: plug.log.error("{.__class__.__name__}: {}".format(exc, str(exc))) raise finally: if unload_plugins: plugin.unregister_all_plugins() def _resolve_config_file() -> pathlib.Path: local_config_path = ( pathlib.Path(".").resolve() / _repobee.constants.LOCAL_CONFIG_NAME ) return ( local_config_path if local_config_path.is_file() else _repobee.constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE ) def _initialize_plugins(parsed_preparser_args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: # IMPORTANT: the default plugins must be loaded before user-defined # plugins to ensure that the user-defined plugins override the defaults # in firstresult hooks plug.log.debug("Initializing default plugins") plugin.initialize_default_plugins() if distinfo.DIST_INSTALL: plug.log.debug("Initializing dist plugins") plugin.initialize_dist_plugins() if not parsed_preparser_args.no_plugins: if distinfo.DIST_INSTALL: plug.log.debug("Initializing active plugins") plugin.initialize_plugins( disthelpers.get_active_plugins(), allow_filepath=True ) plug.log.debug("Initializing preparser-specified plugins") plugin_names = parsed_preparser_args.plug or [] plugin.initialize_plugins(plugin_names, allow_filepath=True) def _parse_args(args, config_file): config.execute_config_hooks(config_file) parsed_args, api = _repobee.cli.parsing.handle_args( args, config_file=config_file ) plug.manager.hook.handle_processed_args(args=parsed_args) return parsed_args, api @contextlib.contextmanager def _set_output_verbosity(quietness: int): """Set the output verbosity, expecting `quietness` to be a non-negative integer. 0 = do nothing, all output goes 1 = silence "regular" user feedback 2 = silence warnings >=3 = silence everything """ assert quietness >= 0 if quietness >= 1: # silence "regular" user feedback by redirecting stdout with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()): if quietness == 2: # additionally silence warnings _repobee.cli.parsing.setup_logging( terminal_level=logging.ERROR ) pass elif quietness >= 3: # additionally silence errors and warnings _repobee.cli.parsing.setup_logging( terminal_level=logging.CRITICAL ) pass yield else: # this must be in an else, because # 1) the generator must yeld # 2) it must yield precisely once yield @contextlib.contextmanager def _in_workdir(workdir: pathlib.Path): cur_workdir = pathlib.Path(".").resolve() try: os.chdir(workdir) yield finally: os.chdir(cur_workdir) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)