Source code for

"""IO functionality for plugins."""

import sys

from typing import Iterable, TypeVar, Any

import tqdm  # type: ignore

from repobee_plug import log

__all__ = [

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] def echo(msg: Any) -> None: """Echo a message to the command line. Args: msg: Any kind of object that can be converted into a human-readable string with the ``str`` function. """ msg = str(msg) print(msg)
[docs] def progress_bar(it: Iterable[T], *args, **kwargs) -> Iterable[T]: """Create a progress bar for an iterable. .. danger:: The API of this function is not stable and may change unexpectedly. Args: it: An iterable. args: Positional arguments passed directly to the underlying implementation (currently `tqdm`). kwargs: Keyword arguments passed directly to the underlying implementation (currently `tqdm`). Returns: An iterable object that returns elements from ``it``, and also updates a progress bar in the terminal. """ return tqdm.tqdm(it, *args, file=sys.stdout, **kwargs)